Well, we announced it; we called for spare prompts; and now we're launching it.
It's the OT3 Ficathon Christmas Bonus!
How it works:
- Below the cut, you will see a list of prompts, all given as part of the OT3 ficathon (or, where someone is writing both their prompts, have been solicited as a replacement prompt).
- If you want to play, post to claim your prompt, identifying it by number. I will then post to confirm that it's yours - or ask you to pick another, if someone else got there before you.
- When I confirm that the prompt is yours, I will also let you know who you're writing for.
- If you can't see a reply to your post, then please check your LJ private messages; I'm not quite figuring out this replying-to-screened-posts thing all that well :P
Who can play?
Anyone! You don't have to have signed up for the ficathon to begin with, though ficathon authors who want a second prompt are very welcome to stake a claim as well.
What's the deadline?
For this ficathon, stories will be due by 28 February. There will be a masterlist posted by then for you to post links to your story.
Anything else I need to know?
The rules are much the same as for any other ficathon: minimum length 1000 words; no character-bashing; all stories must focus the Doctor, Jack and Rose in an equal relationship, whether that be friends or lovers; if you can't meet your deadline let us know so we can agree an extension or find a pinch-hitter.
I need a beta!
Look no further!
Right here, several very kind and generous people offered their services as BRs for fics in this ficathon.
But I didn't give you my spare prompt yet!
No problem. Just post it
here and I'll add it to the list.
Oh, get on with it! Where are the prompts?
1: Post-Journey's End on Pete's World, Ten2 and Rose aren't quite working out as they would like to. They realise that what's missing is Jack. There is a Jack on Pete's World but he thinks of Rose as a colleague and Ten2 as that nice guy Rose is dating. Ten2 and Rose need to get to know and seduce Jack.
2: Nine/Rose/Jack--deus ex machina ends with the three of them having to shower together, and Rose is insecure about her body. Smut would be nice, but it's not a requirement. Do not want: double penetration.
3: The OT3 land on a planet where men have little to no rights of their own. Either Jack or the Doctor is claimed by the ruler of the planet, and Rose has to fight for him (in any form, physical or mental or via some sort of game). Do not want serious injury or death.
4: Nine/Rose/Jack: After a disagreement, Jack chooses to leave the TARDIS before the Doctor throws him out. He ends up on the wrong planet and is sold into (non-sexual) slavery. Rose makes the Doctor have second thoughts and they have to find Jack... romance of some sort ensues. Do not want: unhappy ending.
5: Established OT3 relationship. Rose and Jack accidentally swap bodies. Smutty fun ensues.
6: Jack, Ten, Rose. Jack contacts Mickey after his last stay on earth with the Doctor and asks him to call him when the Doctor and Rose come back. Do not want: a sad end.
7: Nine/Rose/Jack discussing/having first times. Jack must do something naughty with Nine's banana. No references to the S1 end or beyond.
8: Nine, Jack, and Rose. The TARDIS (for her own reasons) temporarily decides to translate Gallifreyan for the companions without the Doctor knowing about it. Don't want: babies.
9: Nine, Rose and Jack visit a pleasure planet to celebrate their anniversary, during which the Doctor is captured and tortured telepathically, Jack & Rose rescue and heal him. Do not want: physical torture.
10: Ten, Jack, and Rose. All three have been captured. What can get them out of said predicament is something only one of them can do. For instance, only the Doctor can calculate pi to an obscene number of digits. Except, that would be a boring resolution to the story. Do not want: Noncon.
11: Ten, Rose and Jack: Post-JE discussion about Donna and assist the Doctor with healing following the traumatic event. No character bashing!
12: Rose and Jack want to know exactly how much of his previous life the newly minted Ten remembers; he teases them by remembering some stuff and not others. He swears Jack never kissed them. Want: Bonding between the three, possibly UST. More friendship between the three, with good-natured ribbing. Do Not Want: Character bashing.
13: Nine or Ten. Gallifreyan customs become important to and/or a stumbling block for the OT3 in some way. Do not want: other Time Lords to actually show up
14: Jack, Rose, the Doctor and whoever seems appropriate
(b)Jack and Rose plot a new way to celebrate the Doctor's birthday (particularly as they don't know when it is)
(c) No restrictions
15: The Doctor has many enemies, but this man isn't one of them. He wants to keep the Doctor safe. Preserved. He's a collector of rare species and the Doctor is prime target number 1. Bonus points if Jack and Rose are the ones who tip the man off about who the Doctor is. Rose and Jack have to rescue the Doctor. Nine/Rose/Jack, please.
16: Rose and the Doctor (either regeneration) meet up with Jack in Cardiff for old time's sake and take him away from his responsibilities, even if it's just for a day. A bittersweet ending is a must. Ignore everything Doomsday and after.
17: Christmasfic: Jack/Rose/Nine want to celebrate their favourite Earth holiday. After spending some time showing Rose future holiday traditions, they end up in the TARDIS celebrating their way. Wouldn't mind a bit of fluff here.
18: Either Nine or Ten Doctor, Jack, Rose. Any scenario you want that fits this quote "Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship. True friendship is never serene. - Mariede Svign" Don't want: sex or death.
Claim away!