Prompt posting is now closed for the OT3 ficathon 2008. Thank you all very much for the brilliant prompts you posted - I know I'm going to have a tough time choosing between them!
What happens next?
We're assembling the prompts and anonymising them. Later this evening, around 8:00 or 9:00pm EST, they will be posted on
dark_aegis 's LJ in pairs. To claim a prompt, simply reply to the post stating the number of the pair of prompts you want. All posts will be screened. We will also repost the ficathon rules and the timeframe. ETA: Prompts
now available for claiming on
dark_aegis's LJ.
dark_aegis will reply whenever she is able (well, she does have to work and sleep!), either to let you know that the prompt is yours, or to ask you to choose again if someone else has already claimed the prompt before you. Claimed prompts will also be crossed out in the master post.
A few people commented to an earlier post that they'd be interested in offering their services as beta-readers for this ficathon. Feel free to post here if you're willing to BR (and mention if there are scenarios or ratings you're not willing to BR). Authors, you can contact potential BRs either by replying here or through PM.
Finally, to any writers who missed the prompt deadline and would have liked to take part: keep an eye on my LJ and on
better_with_3 ; in a few weeks' time there'll be an announcement about another way of getting involved.
So, here's where the fun begins! Remember to check
dark_aegis's LJ tonight or tomorrow to claim your prompt; prompt claiming will run until November 16.