Was ok all day, got home and feel shit again. I think putting on a facade at work just wears me down. I'm also feeling ultra sensitive. Got upset about some comments online. Urgh. Need to get a grip. So so so fed up with feeling this low, nearly as fed up as you must all be hearing me whings
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First news about my Dad. A blood test shows that his tumour count has been reduced to within normal with the chemo, so that means all the cancer shit in his blood stream is going down which rocks. He may not even have to have the liver operation, fingers crossed
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You know sometimes I think I must have done something really awful in a past life. Nothing ever goes right. I am trying desperately to finish this dissertation and I go to take the dvd I need out of it's case and the fucking thing snaps. So now I have no dvd to do for the next part of my work, and I will probably have to pay for the fucking shitty
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