Was ok all day, got home and feel shit again. I think putting on a facade at work just wears me down. I'm also feeling ultra sensitive. Got upset about some comments online. Urgh. Need to get a grip. So so so fed up with feeling this low, nearly as fed up as you must all be hearing me whings
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Comments 6
You're not whinging, and if you where we wouldn't mind anyway - it's good to get things off your chest. Talking on LJ always helps me.
Hope you feel happy soon...you're a good person Caz! Don't let anyone tell you different!
Ad you're not whinging, chick! Best to get how you feel out too, opposed to letting it eat you up inside. (charming expression)
Bless you for getting your mum and dad something. They're lucky to have you.
*more hugs*
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