Be it a sword or a gun, both are merely weapons

Jun 07, 2008 18:52

Name: Penka
Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree? Kapitel!Ken and I agree with it. I still waiting in Song and Mirror Themes
Do you consider yourself romantic?More or less and for my regret I can tell that I’m a bit romantic
Do you consider yourself mysterious? Yes. Everyone are more or less.
How would your fighting outfit look like? Do you want it to be just comfortable and practical, or to say something more about you? My outfit: about weapons- something for the close and middle range; if about the looking of it- something like that:

and instead red...jacket, to be black and to have a bit more pockets and will be comfortable and practical to me.
Would you get emotionally attached to your weapon? Would you give it a name? Yes, because I think that the way things will serve you is like the way you treat them. So yes if I want to "serve" me as long as I needed it, but I don't think I give it a name. At least not in the beginning.
Would you like to have your weapon handy all the time, or to carry it on missions only? I prefer to be with me all the time.
Would you prefer close combat, or fighting from a distance?Close combat, but as I see my opponent both are fine.
Favorite animal, why? Dog and eagle, because for me they represent two things that I’ve always consider important- loyalty and freedom.

Dirty or hygienic? Hygienic, but I do not afraid of being dirty.
Old-fashioned or modern? Mix of both
Sensitive or insensitive? Both, but I’m looking for the balance, because once I was more sensitive, but now I become more insensitive.
Logical or impulsive? Logical now. But I still have my impulsive moments.

Someone is attacking you and you don't have any weapon. What would you choose to help with defending yourself? A deodorant, a broomstick, a frying pan, something else? Or would you depend on your own body only? Depends of the place of the attack, but will be used the nearest to me thing...Broomstick or pipe or something like it are fine. I always will find something to defend myself and I must depending in some way on my body to help me.If i don't trust my body to help me there is no point of defending.
About your attacker: what kind of attack would be the hardest for you to defeat? It doesn't matter still I survive the attack/battle
Would you rather torture your victims or kill them quickly? Depends. If I can’t or there is no way to spare his live- I’ll kill him quickly….But if the victim is done something awful to me or to someone that is close to me - I’ll torture him with no regret.

Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - four/less if not available. 1, 2, 3, 4

For Voters: check out the Theme Post to make voting easier.

weapon theme, stamped, weapon theme: tomahawk

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