June theme: What weapon would you use?

Jun 07, 2008 12:27

We're a bit late, but... May Theme is now closed. As stated in the rules - if you've missed it, you can apply in the second part of every month.

June theme: What weapon would you use?

1. The Community/Voting Rules apply here as well.
2. You need to post your regular - personality based - application first.
3. All old themes will be opened again in the second half of every month. It's a good chance for people who didn't get the ability to apply.
4. For this theme put "Be it a sword or a gun, both are merely weapons" in the subject line. It'll help to separate the theme applications from the regular ones, plus it shows that you've read the rules.
5. Please, provide links to the open applications you've voted on - four/less if not available. Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.

June Theme's Application

What weapon would you use?

Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree?
Do you consider yourself romantic?
Do you consider yourself mysterious?
How would your fighting outfit look like? Do you want it to be just comfortable and practical, or to say something more about you?
Would you get emotionally attached to your weapon? Would you give it a name?
Would you like to have your weapon handy all the time, or to carry it on missions only?
Would you prefer close combat, or fighting from a distance?
Favorite animal, why?

Dirty or hygienic?
Old-fashioned or modern?
Sensitive or insensitive?
Logical or impulsive?

Someone is attacking you and you don't have any weapon. What would you choose to help with defending yourself? A deodorant, a broomstick, a frying pan, something else? Or would you depend on your own body only?
About your attacker: what kind of attack would be the hardest for you to defeat?
Would you rather torture your victims or kill them quickly?

Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - four/less if not available. (Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.)

For Voters: check out the http://community.livejournal.com/weiss_rate/17846.html">Theme Post to make voting easier.

Stamps in progress.

Stamped members:

Bite rose








( x) ran_fujimiya20
( x) ryuichinohikari
( x) persiasecretary

( x) abelarda
( x) elwen_rhiannon


Paper airplane



Tarot cards

( x) bakatashi



theme announcement, weapon theme, mod post

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