Spring Fling - Master List

Apr 03, 2011 14:25

Some business first: Obviously it would be a lot of work to go through everyone's entries and make sure they followed the rules - I did not do this. Honor Code and all that. Please don't respond to any of the feedback left on your stories until after the author reveal next week. Author names and notes will be attached to all of the stories during the reveal, and then you can start responding to comments and posting your work elsewhere.

For everyone who is reading, please remember to leave feedback; even something as simple as a lot of hearts and key smashing. Everyone worked really hard on these, and it's always nice to know when something you've spent a lot of time on is enjoyed.

If you're interested in trying to guess who wrote what, you can use the comments here to do that! :D

Thank you guys so much for participating. Let me know if there are any broken links, etc. so that I can go in and fix them.


got two tickets to iron maiden, baby, written for bergann
by kitsunejin | Poke/Ray | NC-17 | 3,660 words | | | AU. "We're the kids other parents told their kids not to hang with in high school."

When I See Tomorrow (I See You There), written for jmc_bks
by kali1967 | Brad/Ray | NC-17 | 5,000 words | | | When people ask how they met, Brad usually says that Ray followed him home one day, like a demented puppy, and refused to leave.

Draw the Line in the Horizon, written for kali1967
by timeofnoreply | Brad/Ray | PG-13 | 3,375 words | | | I first realized that I was in love with Brad Colbert around the fortieth time he told me to shut the fuck up.

Sunshine and Springtime, written for kitsunejin
by schlicky | Brad/Ray, Nate/Ray | NC-17 | 9,000 words | | | Conman!AU - the long con of Nathaniel Fick.

You Call This Archaeology?, written for little_missmimi
by witchling | Brad/Ray | R | 9,779 words | | | Indiana Jones!AU. It's one thing to talk about consulting with someone, but Brad's not going to be responsible for keeping some wet-behind-the-ears pup in one piece.

The Most Epic Road Trip to Ever Happen, written for meeks00
by schlicky | Brad/Ray | PG-13 | 3,800 words | | | When Ray flew out to visit him for a few days, Walt certainly hadn't expected the suggestion that they take a road trip all the way back across the country.

Love on Mars, written for queeniegalore
by spirited_lizard | Ray/Walt | NC-17 | 1,572 words | | | Ray realizes that a planetarium isn't as boring as he thought it was.

Notes on a Marriage that Isn't, written for salvadore_hart
by queeniegalore | Brad/Ray | NC-17 | 2,806 words | | | It was all the ways that counted, except one.

Beautiful Complications, written for schlicky
by meeks00 | Brad/Ray | R | 5,700 words | | | When Brad reached out, the wingtips ruffled, barely grazing his hand before moving out of reach.

Roxy, written for sephirothflame
by thebunnyknows | Ray/Walt | PG-13 | 2,351 words | | | Love is elusive when you search for it / and I don't know / happiness sometimes creeps in / and I don't know / I'm going crazy, I've been wondering, do you still feel alone?

72 Hours Libo, written for spirited_lizard
by jmc_bks | Brad/Ray | NC-17 | 4,800 words | | | A weekend away from base doesn't go quite as Brad and Ray expect.

Gravity Won't Keep, written for thebunnyknows
by salvadore_hart | Brad/Ray | PG-13 | 2,288 words | | | What ought to be an image of the bones in Ray's body, of the lines of his spine and shoulder blades, Brad finds what looks like a set of misplaced ribs mirroring each other on either side of Ray's spine.

Let the Engines Roar, written for timeofnoreply
by bergann | Ray/Brad | PG-13 | 8,936 words | | | "You realize we don't do bikes, right? Like, yours is a beauty and I'd fucking love to make an exception, dude, but we're an auto repair shop."

He starts walking inside to where Walt is manning the front because hanging around by the Ducati is just awkward. He'd worry about being rude, except Ray kind of gave that up as a lost cause when he was fourteen. Fast & Furious AU

The places we've never been (but were always bound to end up), Part Two, Part Three, written for witchling
by sephirothflame | Ray/Brad | R | 24,500 words | | | Five years ago, Ray kissed Brad. When Brad pushed him away, Ray thought that was the end of it. Only, now Brad has showed up in Nevada, Missouri without word or warning and Ray has no idea where they're going from here.

spring fling exchange

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