Star Kingdom App

Jun 25, 2011 05:19

Player info
Your Name: Jen
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever:
Aim: nsxcommander
Livejournal: N/A
Your age: Over 15

Character info
Series/Fandom: Hercules / Kingdom Hearts
Character's Name: Hades
Character's Sex: Male
Character's Age: Um… as old as time? He’s a GOD!
Canon point: After Kingdom Hearts II
Abilities: Again… GOD so his abilities are pretty impressive.

Hades has the ability to make what ever kind of object he wants appear before him in a puff of smoke. In Hercules he uses this to make small objects like cigars or drinks materialize in his hand, but causing larger objects to appear is also possible.
In addition to making objects suddenly arrive in a puff of smoke, he can make them disappear in the same way. This includes himself. He is always shown either poofing away suddenly or slowly fading into a wispy fog. Using this technique he can teleport himself from one location to another very easily. He should even be able to teleport between worlds.
Hades is shown to float and hover on a few occasions, even hang upside down to torment a potential victim. So he can hover/fly if he chooses.
Knowledge of all things dead. If some one dies or is dying Hades knows about it. This is shown in the Hercules movie when Meg is dying and Hades warns Hercules that he had better hurry back. Even though Hades was no where near Meg and had no real way to know what had happened to her his God powers allowed him to just know her time was nearly up.
Hades can control not only Heartless but the creatures of the underworld as well: the shades of the dead, monsters, even a giant three headed dog named Cerebus. Related to this he controls life and death itself. You see this in Kingdom Hearts when he brings Auron back to life and in Hercules when he makes a deal that Meg can live again if Hercules takes her place instead.
Perhaps his most obvious power is that of fire… since his hair is a glowing blue flame. When Hades is happy the flame is blue, when angry it turns red and flares out. If Hades really looses his temper he can destroy things with a fiery explosion. This is most often seen while torching enemies, minions… or on one occasion an entire forest.
A little perk of being the lord of the underworld is the ability to make deals with people for their souls. Since all mortals want something Hades is willing to trade whatever it is they want for their soul. Of course there is usually a catch and you end up belonging to Hades, but hey, isn’t it worth it for a wish?
Also, since he is a God he has this most handy little ability… of being immortal. No attack by hero or God is strong enough to destroy Hades. That doesn’t mean he can’t be defeated of course, it just means he can’t be killed. The best way to defeat Hades is to get him to break what ever deal it is he has made. He maybe evil but he is sort of bound by the rules of his job to honor the terms of any agreement. Hades also can and has been outmaneuvered by whatever ‘hero of the day’ comes along. So, physical attacks and magic do have an affect on him. BUT, not in the Underworld. Since the power of Heroes is weakened in the Underworld, facing Hades on his home turf might be a situation better avoided.

Disney Wiki Link

During the time between KH1 and KH2 it has been business as usual. People die, their souls end up in the Underworld… ya know, you try to destroy Hercules a little in your spare time...
Hades was not dissuaded from evil by the events of KH1 and has been scheming to come up with ways not only to kill Hercules but anyone who gets in his way in order that he can achieve his real goal of conquering Olympus… and maybe a few other worlds here and there. I mean, why stop with one?
That the other evil people he had teamed up with were defeated or destroyed really doesn’t bother him a great deal. He has his own plans whether they are around or not.
So, regrouping, chilling, scheming, minor plans that go no where… That is what he has been up to in this short period of time.


Hades has the personality of a used car salesman. He comes off as creepy and slimy… and yet he still manages to get you to buy his product. It is only a soul you will never miss it. He has very little regard for personal space and is always getting into people’s faces or wrapping an arm around their shoulder in order to draw them into a deal. Hades is very persuasive and able to make bad ideas sound really, really good. He is also a fast talker, often mentioning the bad parts of a deal very fast and not dwelling on them long so the other party won’t think about it too much. This is how he gets people to give him their souls, by talking them into deals in exchange for some thing they want. He can come off seeming very personable and friendly until he has you were he wants you… then his true nature comes out.
Even if he was ‘gifted’ the position of Lord of the Underworld by his older brother Zeus what he really wants is to live on Mount Olympus as the sole god in charge of things. In order to achieve this goal Hades is willing to do anything. He has no qualms about hurting people, his family, or even babies. Hey, everything dies eventually anyway right? He is just helping things along a little.
The main obstacle that prevents any of Hades’s plans from actually working is Hercules so naturally Hades really hates ‘wonder boy’. Anything that could get rid of that guy is worth the trouble! Also strongly disliked is Sora and his meddling junior hero friends Donald and Goofy. It is bad enough having to deal with one do-gooding hero the last thing Hades wants is more of them. Of course his opinion of most hero types would be like this, if you get in his way Hades will try to eliminate you, otherwise… he might leave you alone.
He does enjoy tormenting people and will often do unnecessary things just to hurt them or cause them to doubt themselves. You can see this in the movie when Hades torments a now powerless Hercules with a few mean spirited jokes and ‘outs’ Meg as a minion of his even if she was now free of his influence. He didn’t have to do that, since she had played her part he could have allowed her betrayal to remain a secret but Hades hates happy endings. Even if he loses, Hades tries to ensure the other side loses something as well. This… rarely works out as planned but he does try.
Hades has a volatile personality. When things are going his way the flame on Hades’s head is a light blue color. He can laugh and make jokes, generally come off as a jovial kind of God. However his mood can shift in an instant. When it does his flame turns orange or red and can lash out with explosive force. In the movie when Hades found out that Hercules was not dead, as he thought he was, Hades was actually able to destroy an entire forest with an explosive burst of flaming anger. He is not the kind of God you want to get angry or if you do prepare for yelling and get ready to duck. Usually these bursts of anger are brief and Hades can pull himself back together for a quick one-liner, but they can occasionally last a while if things are going really badly.
Due in part to this hair trigger temper of his Hades is also not the most patient God around. When he gives an order for something to be done he expects it to be done right then! He also expects the job to be done correctly. Failing at this will result in yelling and maiming.
The most often target of this punishment are his two incompetent minions Pain and Panic. Who knows why Hades keeps them around, but these two are his go to guys. When he wants something done he orders these two little demons to go out and do it. Now they aren’t always entirely useless. They were able to trick Hercules into fighting the Hydra in the movie, but they do try the hide failures from Hades to avoid punishment… which just results in worse punishment later when Hades finds out.
Hades has the power over the dead. He knows when people are dying and he knows when they have already died. It is his job to control the Underworld where souls go when their hosts are dead. He has God powers and immortality. With these powers also comes a few rules. For instance if he makes a deal with someone he has to honor the terms of that agreement. If the rules are broken then the deal is invalid. Getting Hades to break his deals is actually the best way to try and defeat him. Of course Hades isn’t above bending the rules if he feels it will benefit his own wishes. For instance he shouldn’t allow souls to leave the Underworld. Once they are there, they are there. However he does make a deal that Hercules can save Meg’s soul if he takes her place. Really he shouldn’t have done that, but killing Hercules was such a tempting offer. He had to try it. Also he brought Auron back to life in Kingdom Hearts II. This is something he shouldn’t have done, the dead should remain dead, but the chance to use Auron’s power against Hercules was just too enticing. Also in the movie Hades bends the rules in order to charm a little information out of the three Fates. They shouldn’t give him any insight into what occurs in the future but he was so gallant that they told him all about the Titans and Hercules. So yeah, there are rules, but you have to listen carefully to the deal being made before you agree to it and when it comes to the Underworld Hades kind of follows his own rules.

Action/Journal Sample:
Whoa! Hey! There are a lot of you hero types out there these days. Look, I know you have been having fun goofing around with your little song and dance numbers… what was that. I have never seen so many people in need of a good dance instructor! I mean come on! Most of you don’t know your right foot from your left one!
And don’t even get me started on the singing… Makes me glad I had enough brimstone around to pack my ears with.
Anyway, watching how bored you lot must be to carry on like that has given me a little inspiration. I have setup an entirely new set of tournaments in the Underdrome. If any of you twinkle toes think you can handle a little non-musical competition drop by, fight a few rounds. We will watch the tournament, have some peanuts, watch a few heroes die, hey, sounds like fun, right?

RP Sample:
Hades drifted down the lazy Styx river not paying any attention to the moaning pale souls the river was made up of or the ferryboat man standing behind him with his pole gently guiding the way deeper into the Underworld. Cerberus was quick to greet his master with his usual three-headed snarl, which as always was rewarded with a large piece of fresh meat. It was difficult to find good three-headed guard dogs anymore… it was better to keep this one interested in his job of protecting the Underworld by rewarding the correct behavior.
“Eh, I don’t know what it is. Seems like I have done this all before a million times, but I just haven’t gotten anywhere with it. I mean, what do I have to do? I find a monster, Hercules defeats it, I find a Heartless, Sora defeats it… there must be something I could do differently. Some kind of scheme I haven’t used yet.”
The ferryboat man listened carefully but said nothing… because well, he’s dead. It made speaking a little difficult.
“Doing the same thing, over and over, its ridiculous!”
The boatman nodded.
“There, see!” Hades ire flares slightly as he pointed out, “Now even minions think I am being ridiculous. ME!” The flames on his head spread to his back and burnt red with each word as if punctuating his sentences, “The Lord of the Dead! HADES!”
As the boatman cowered slightly Hades jovial nature returned just as suddenly as it had left.
“Nah, its fine, I’m cool. I just need a better way to deal with those hero types.”
Silence settled in as Hades leaned forward to rest an arm on the prow of the boat. Lost in his evil thoughts, much to the ferryboat man’s relief, Hades barely noticed much of anything. The Underworld slid by in near perfect silence until the boat finally ground to a halt near the bank. The brief jostling was enough to bring, er, life, back into the God.
“That’s it! Why didn’t I think of it before~!” Hades flared again but this time with the bright blue flame of malevolent joy! “If I can’t beat those… little heroes… using normal means then I will just have to try something a bit more interesting. I just need to find a little…” He added with a wickedly twisted smile, “bait.”

Totally need to bring my cute … giant three-headed puppy!

And also, what is the policy on characters who haven’t been apped? For instance would Hercules still be running around causing me trouble… or would he have disappeared? If I get accepted I will kind of need to know this.
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