Star Kingdom - Character Relations

Sep 24, 2011 03:11



A God’s best friend is himself! Who else can you really rely on?


A witch almost as evil as he is. Clearly she would make for a very interesting ally!

Cecil Harvey
(Has left the Kingdom)

This is something Hades will never admit but… Cecil did take care of him when he was cursed to relive his childhood as a baby so he is grateful that Cecil took the time to do that.

Setsuna / Sailor Pluto

Hades has always been wary of this one since she seemed to know so much about him but she only really got on his enemy list when she pulled that whole time debacle. Yes, he is still mad about the baby incident!

Queen Minnie

The Queen in charge of keeping all things in the light. Naturally darkness loving Hades would have a problem with her.

King Mickey

King Mickey is an enemy for the same reason his wife is. Anyone that dedicated to defeating the darkness is an enemy.

Fai D. Flourite

Fai is a smiling nuisance. His antics might be considered cute by some people but Hades just sees him as a pest that needs to be taken down a notch.

Zell Dincht
(Has left the Kingdom)

Zell was an annoying little pest but irritating him was a great sport. His near death at the claws of Hades Chimera during the Hades Cup is something the minions are still excited about.

Seifer Almasy
(Has left the Kingdom)

Seifer was a mortal very full of himself. He actually thought offering himself would be enough to save the lives of two people during the Hades Cup. It was a tempting offer, but really more enjoyment could be had by hassling him. King of the bad comebacks, he will be missed.


Lilisette has the powers of a Goddess and as such she might be the biggest threat to Hades while he is in the Underworld. Hades does know this and should perhaps consider her an enemy… he can’t help but think that power of hers might be useful if only he can convince her to work for him.

Crow Hogan

While Hades can admire the gall Crow had in stealing Cerberus like he did he does still need to repay him for that… some time, when the occasion is right.

Ami / Sailor Mercury

One of those classic hero-types with the friendship speeches and… blagh! Its enough to make you sick.

Golbez (Theodor Harvey)

This guy seemed very interested in a deal in order to restore his world from the Darkness…

Kain Highwind

Kain is another potential deal in the making. He wants to control the Darkness within himself so… setting him tasks designed to increase that darkness instead should be enough to tip him over the edge.

Oerba Yun Fang

In order to find her friend Fang was sent on a mission to see about Maleficent, report on her condition or failing that bring her magic staff to Hades.


Trying to find someone Frog made a deal with Hades to fight in the Olympus Cup and take out Hercules, he reneged on that deal so… he does need to be punished for it.


Tidus is such a joy to deal with. He is very easily led and will do just about anything in order to restore his precious Spira.


While Hades hasn’t really singled this guy out for any ’pawn’ activities yet, he is obviously the kind that could be useful in this capacity.

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