I have a favor to ask. My french oral is coming up soon, and even though you already helped me a bunch, I was wondering if you could do one more thing for me. Would you mind giving just a sentence or two on your opinion of the crisis (in French of course)? Possibly on how it would affect France, although whatever you want is fine. Thank you sosososo much, and asap if you could? I'm silly, I should have asked you last week to allow myself/you more time. x__x
Hmmm... Je pense que maintenant que les troubles se sont calmés depuis le nouveau gouvernement de décembre, ça paraît difficile à croire que la Belgique va se séparer un jour. Il y a eu probablement des exagérations de la part des médias, en France et en Belgique, et les (quelques) belges que je connais sont fiers de leur nationalité et n'ont pas du tout envie que leur pays explose. Mais si cela devait arriver un jour, ça ne me dérangerait pas personnellement d'accueillir la Belgique francophone en France :) Enfin, ce serait quand même un énorme désordre économique et social :O
I talk too much, tell me if I should shorten it ^^;
Comments 15
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Yes! Episodes focused on Kenny are so rare, I'm glad he was important in this one. It was very funny too :D
Whoa, those pictures <3 that's the most beautiful train station I've ever seen XD
I think it's the prettiest train station I've seen too! Especially such a big one :O
Gorgeous city pictures though (the science ones are nifty just in a different way). :D
It's because the city is gorgeous, honestly XD
I need to wrangle myself a trip to France, any time you post photos you make me drool. ;_;
Anytime you want! France is prettyyyy~
I have a favor to ask. My french oral is coming up soon, and even though you already helped me a bunch, I was wondering if you could do one more thing for me. Would you mind giving just a sentence or two on your opinion of the crisis (in French of course)? Possibly on how it would affect France, although whatever you want is fine. Thank you sosososo much, and asap if you could? I'm silly, I should have asked you last week to allow myself/you more time. x__x
I talk too much, tell me if I should shorten it ^^;
Thank you though. :3 It is a tad long, but I can shorten it myself. I'm just happy that I could understand it all, which boosts my confidence.
Good luck for your oral then ^^
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