All you have to do is post it, Prim. It'll go in the moderation queue and won't show as public until we release it. You have more than one prompt, don't you? If you've finished both fics please don't post them at the same time - space them out, ok?
I had two prompts; I only wrote on one of them. It's so bad that I've decided not to post it. I can't get any inspiration for the other one. I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have said I'd write anything. :(
Ach, don't worry about it, Prim. I'm having trouble writing up my prompt myself, so I completely understand. Anyway, it's always better to grab what interests you first before someone else does, and worry about the writing later. *g*
Is it possible to still join and participate in this challenge? I was inspired by the prompt Five things Elijah did to convince Sean that he loved him and started working on (but haven't finished) a little ficlet based on that. Or is that prompt already taken and not available. I'm not sure how this all works.
We inspired you! That's great! I like that prompt. :D
Unfortunately, it's already taken, but the person has claimed more than one prompt, and it isn't a certainty that she'll be able to write for all of them. Why don't you apply to join the comm, and if the claimant isn't able to write the story, you could then submit yours.
This is utterly horrible of me, but this is the first I've seen of this challenge, thanks to the craziness of my life. Is it still possible, at this late date, to claim an unclaimed prompt or two? I've a real yen to write in LOTR/Lotrips at the moment, and the word count is more than reasonable for me to accomplish in the short space of time between now and Sunday.
Comments 11
Sorry for the delay - I just got home. *droops*
Unfortunately, it's already taken, but the person has claimed more than one prompt, and it isn't a certainty that she'll be able to write for all of them. Why don't you apply to join the comm, and if the claimant isn't able to write the story, you could then submit yours.
Yayyy! Of course it's okay. Here's the whole list of prompts:
One prompt per person, although if you want to splurge on more, we would be very happy. :D
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