fourteen hundred words in and I had to stop because I was exhausted, not because I was done

Jun 02, 2012 22:23

So! Anybody else seen Prometheus yet? I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.

emotions in a glass cut tag )


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Comments 12

liminalliz June 2 2012, 19:41:34 UTC
omg i am SO EXCITED to see this movie and experience all these feeeeeeeels. ughhhh FRIDAY.


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wax_jism June 2 2012, 19:59:01 UTC
I love all kinds of ridiculous DIY medicine, fetuses optional but welcome.

Oh man, that AU would be the bitchiest AU ever. Except Vickers is far too sensible to be all, 'let's go ask GREAT QUESTIONS!'--she'd just be like, 'to Earth, robot, I have a company to run, finally.'


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wax_jism June 2 2012, 20:37:22 UTC
And Skeet Ulrich! Skeet Ulrich ALREADY looks like someone else, this is getting positively nesting dollish.


elizaria June 2 2012, 20:42:14 UTC
I couldn't agree more on the religious mumbo jumbo, otherwise I enjoyed Shaw, loved Janek (Idris!!!) & Vickers. David was a creepy robot to me & I expected him to go all HAL on everyone. Infecting Halloway is where he was done in my mind, bad guy. Halloway also on my shit list for not saying anything.

The alien fetus left in the pod was one glaring stupid mistake, which obvs came back to well ..facehug them. And WTF, Aliens are partly descendants from humans or what? How am I supposed to read that? Donut screw with my Aliens here, I love those monsters. And H.R. Gigers creations. This one tho? WTF baby dolphins?

Also, what kind of death for Vickers was that??!! The end felt a lot like rocks fall, everyone dies.

Typing in rage on my phone is like.. not going very well. I will revisit this subject on my laptop later


lexandros June 2 2012, 20:47:28 UTC
I'm counting on there being a director's cut where Vickers turns out to be more of a central character. A bit like Eva Green in the Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut. I generally got the feeling a lot of footage had been cut based on how the crew interacted with each other, and there seemed to be a whole storyline with Vickers and her father missing.


cobweb_diamond June 4 2012, 15:27:35 UTC


wax_jism June 4 2012, 23:18:05 UTC
that captain/vickers scene! I kept being like, 'wait, are they already fucking? they are, right, or this would make no sense... but... what... wait... oh forget it.' I had no idea what the purpose of the whole thing was, indeed ( ... )


cobweb_diamond June 5 2012, 01:15:59 UTC
SCREAM, GUY PEARCE. this bothered me ALL THE WAY THRU because i assumed it meant he was going to be de-aged at some point? like by magical alien shit or something? BUT HE WASN'T!! they should've just hired a young unknown to do the TED talk and hired and old guy to play him in the movie. an unknown might actually have been more effective for the TED talk anyway! RIDICULOUS.

why did david poison noomi rapace's douchey boyfriend? curiosity??


wax_jism June 5 2012, 20:07:36 UTC
I kept wishing for David to just choke that old busybody from the second I saw him.

Hmm, well, David knew what the poison did, as he could read the inscriptions. So I imagine, depending on how much detail the Engineers had figured out/decided to write on the walls, that he either just wanted to see what would happen or wanted to get Noomi pregnant with Engineer demon seed via douchey bf. He did have that little chat with Holloway before he decided. I can't remember exactly what was said, but 'because we could' wasn't even the decision point, it was sth like 'what would you do to find out blah blah blah?' and Holloway saying 'anything and everything.' So David was trying to find out something about his origin (or ours? idk), is what I could subtext-spelunk out of that. What, though.


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