Title: Habits and Motions
Characters: Draco/Hannah
HP Pairings Rating: G
Genre: Introspection/Character Study
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Draco begins to realize what kind of person he is.
Notes: Shortly after HBP.
Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me and I make no money off of them, etc.
Habits and Motions
Her pigtails swished as she glared indignantly up at him.
His snarl disappeared from his lips as his cruel words echoed into silence.
She was furious; tears gathered in her large hazel eyes.
He was tired, and his abrasive comments had only been reflex. Draco was wondering why he even did it anymore. After his failure, everything that he did seemed superfluous. He was only going through the motions. For the strangest reason, he was shocked to find how vicious his habits were.
Hannah stopped and really looked at him. She wondered what the strange look on his face was.