You Are Ballet You are quite introverted. You enjoy keeping to yourself and cultivating your talents. You are dedicated and focused. If practice makes perfect, you're willing to keep practicing.
While some people may dismiss you as boring, you can be quite edgy and interesting. You can fit in almost anywhere... and your style ranges from conservative to funky. What Dance Are You?
Seriously, I sooo wanted to do ballet for like a whole week when I was in first grade. For realzies. Your Life is 80% Green You live a very green life, and you're aware of how your actions help the earth. Of course, it's hard to be totally green. But when you make a tradeoff, you know why you're making it. How Green Is Your Life? Know what bugs me? The fact that being "green" is just a fad. All the celebrites and media and popular people are getting into it and once the "fun" dies out you won't ever hear of it again. I've always tried to do my part by being a good steward with what has been so generously given to us. I don't know about global warming, I've only seen some slipperly eveidence for the fact and they refuse to give any other possible solution. Whether or not, we have a responsible to take care of our gift, but I honestly don't think that we can destroy it.
If you’re younger than the age of the year-marks below list what you predict the answer WILL be by then.
Year 0 - Where were you born? Sacramento, CA
Year 1 - Where were you living when you were 1 year old? Sacramento, CA
Year 1 - Did you live with just 1 parent or with 2? both
Year 2 - Were your parents still a couple when you were two? yeppers
Year 3 - Did you have any siblings born after you yet? yep, brother when I was 2.5
Year 5 - Did you go to Preschool? kindergarten, not pre-K
Year 8 - Where were you living this year? Sacramento, CA
Year 13 - Puberty was sometime in the recent years, what was your sexual orientation by now? yikes
Year 21 - You’re old enough to legally drink. Is this the first year of drinking? nope, as in I don't drink now or ever
Year 34 - Do you still have to go to your parents for help financially? don't think I will
Year 55 - Are your parents still alive? hope so
Year 89 - Are YOU still alive? hope so
Year 143 - Do you have descendants still around? Has your gene-pool continued? hope so, I want kids, mine or adopted, eventually
The following questions are related to the number and material things.
0 - Do you have an income? summer job income
1 - Have you held a job for longer than one year? haven't need to
1 - Have you had more than one job? yes
2 - Have you held a job for longer than two years? no
3 - Have you ever made more than 30,000 a year? no
5 - Have you ever made more than 50,000 a year? no
8 - Have you ever held a job for longer than eight years? still no
13 - Have you ever saved up 13 days of paid time off? I don't get paid time off
21 - Have you ever won a large sum of money playing cards? no
34 - Have you ever owned a car worth more than $34,000? no
55 - Assuming you wanted to get married; would you be willing to spend $5,500 on your wedding? no, I'm going to go cheap
89 - Have you ever owned a home worth more than $89,000? no, but I've lived in them