Excellent work, sweetheart! I love how world weary and cynical future!Dean is while at the same time unable to resist past!Dean (who can, after all?). Gorgeous graphics, too!
Yowza! I wish roque had a birthday everyday!! This was amazing...the whole Dean-Dean thing always makes me have to reread several times...makes me as confused as, well...Dean. THANK YOU!!
Ha, I did my best to avoid being *too* confusing, but yeah, a little confusion is pretty much unavoidable. I'm glad you liked it despite all that, though. Thank you so much &hearts
Wow, you did an amazing job with this! The darkness and the humor mixed together just the way it should be when BOTH main characters are Dean Winchester.
"Doesn't mean I want you admirin' it," Dean says, wincing as he begins to pull himself up. "I know how much you like it."
Hahaha glad you found that amusing-- I was waiting for a similar remark during the episode, but that wouldn't be very family friendly, would it? But you know the Deans wouldn't be able to resist.
Oh my GOD. That was well worth the wait, MORE than worth the wait, worth its weight in GOLD! So good, and so painful, and full of all these little truths about Dean(s) -- and how Cas went all serious-angel once Past Dean showed up, everything, loved it so much!
It's everything I've come to expect from you -- honesty, darkness, humor, all wrapped up in a snarky package of awesomeness.
It was interesting to read it in light of your note re: "Asterisms", because we're such different writers treating the same subject, and I LOVED noting the differences and reveling in the glory of your writing and the vast possibilities of writing in general.
Thank you SO MUCH. And I know you're up to the brim with fic commitments, but I'd do SO MUCH to see more in this 'verse. There NEEDS to be more. Someday.
My first experience with Camel Crush (that I don't, to this day, quite understand):
I was walking past some bro bar smoking a cigarette and this wasted dude calls out, "Hey hipster girl, want a Camel Crush?" and all the guys just cracked their shit up. At that point I had no idea what a Camel Crush was and had to google it. Also I'm not a fucking hipster, I just wear cowboy boots. Then my friend bought a joke-pack and we smoked them and it was hilaaaaaaaaaarious. /bad story
Comments 68
"Doesn't mean I want you admirin' it," Dean says, wincing as he begins to pull himself up. "I know how much you like it."
HAHAHAHA, even funnier because it's true.
Thank you so much for reading :D
It's everything I've come to expect from you -- honesty, darkness, humor, all wrapped up in a snarky package of awesomeness.
It was interesting to read it in light of your note re: "Asterisms", because we're such different writers treating the same subject, and I LOVED noting the differences and reveling in the glory of your writing and the vast possibilities of writing in general.
Thank you SO MUCH. And I know you're up to the brim with fic commitments, but I'd do SO MUCH to see more in this 'verse. There NEEDS to be more. Someday.
And the art is so perfect with this.
&hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
I was walking past some bro bar smoking a cigarette and this wasted dude calls out, "Hey hipster girl, want a Camel Crush?" and all the guys just cracked their shit up. At that point I had no idea what a Camel Crush was and had to google it. Also I'm not a fucking hipster, I just wear cowboy boots. Then my friend bought a joke-pack and we smoked them and it was hilaaaaaaaaaarious. /bad story
Very nice work!
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