I guess I know what I'm writing this summer!

May 13, 2010 23:43

So... I read poor_choices's 5x22 coda earlier, pretty soon after I finished watching, AND IT WAS AMAZING AND PERFECT, so I am reccing that! ♥ It may also have influenced the following bunny:

cut for finale spoilers! )

tv: supernatural, writing: general, writing: plot bunnies, shipping: sam/dean, friends: chat, recs: fic

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Comments 2

loveisimmortal May 14 2010, 13:34:17 UTC
This season has changed me too I didn't used to read wincest, never had a problem with it just didn't read it. But with this season I cannot get enough.

I can't wait to read everyone's codas for the finale.


waterofthemoon May 15 2010, 00:31:10 UTC
WINCEEEEEEEST. ♥♥♥ And yes, PRETTY MUCH THIS. LOL. I always liked him, but, ngh, idk what happened to me in the second half of this season, but suddenly I want to ship Castiel all over the place. I think it's those blue eyes. They MAKE ME DO THINGS. *headdesk*

ME TOO. I am sure there will be a BUTTLOAD of them. :D


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