Here, have a rambling post ALL ABOUT ME! EXCITING.

Mar 31, 2010 14:24

HELLO NEW FRIENDS AND OLD. I'm afraid that if I don't make this post RIGHT THIS SECOND, I will never ever get around to it, so here we go! Also, I am not in the best mood because I missed out on applying for the job I got up to apply for this morning. God, I suck at life. However, I have had coffee and yogurt and my happy songs playlist, so I guess ( Read more... )

friends: general, friends: kwen!, tv: supernatural, personal: about me, fandom: cw rpf, personal: job searching

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Comments 3

tigerpinky March 31 2010, 23:15:27 UTC
I loved learning more about you!


nighean_isis April 1 2010, 01:00:29 UTC
*waves* Hi. Glad to know more about you! One day, I'll have to return the favor... ;-)


velithya April 1 2010, 12:43:28 UTC


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