Here, have a rambling post ALL ABOUT ME! EXCITING.

Mar 31, 2010 14:24

HELLO NEW FRIENDS AND OLD. I'm afraid that if I don't make this post RIGHT THIS SECOND, I will never ever get around to it, so here we go! Also, I am not in the best mood because I missed out on applying for the job I got up to apply for this morning. God, I suck at life. However, I have had coffee and yogurt and my happy songs playlist, so I guess it's not all bad.

ANYWAY. For the new people, I am Sara! I'm 24, I'm female and bisexual, I have my bachelor's degree in English/creative writing, I'm a born and raised Texan but moved to Bellingham, WA about a year ago to live with unperfectwolf, I'm currently job hunting (yay), and I'm pretty much just a massive geek all the time. Kwen has two cats, a tortie named Merry and a tabby almost-not-a-kitten-anymore named Happy, whose antics provide us with hours of amusement.

I've been in various fandoms for... over ten years now, wow. My first fandom was X-Files when I was thirteen, where I shipped the ship that NAMED ships and shippers, Mulder/Scully. :D Since those innocent days, I have been in a variety of fandoms with varying degrees of involvement, most notably and recently Harry Potter (Remus/Sirius, which was my first slash ship, and a bunch of other stuff), Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale), and Stargate Atlantis (John/Rodney). My first ship EVER, back when I was like ten, was Han/Leia. I think this probably explains a lot about how I came to be the person I am now.

I've been in SPN fandom since the beginning of S2, and although I sometimes flirt with other fandoms on the side, I haven't left in all that time, which is pretty remarkable for me. Most of my fannish existence before SPN was me being a lurky lurker that lurks and sometimes writing fic or poking my head into discussions, but this is the first time I've been really involved and had people kind of know who I am and stuff. Crazy! The crippling shyness/awkwardness that prompts the lurker tendencies is still there, though. *hands* I write fic and beta it (bit of a grammar nazi here), make graphics and fanmixes, sometimes have meta-like thoughts, and code the spnnewsletter nearly every Wednesday.

My OTPs are Jared/Jensen and Sam/Dean, but I'm overall pretty cool with whatever other people want to ship or not ship. Some things I currently ship besides my OTPs: Danneel/the universe, Misha/his wife/everyone, Jared/Jensen/Danneel, Chris/Steve, Castiel/Crowley, and Castiel/Anna. I also greatly enjoy femmeslash, but I don't really have a pet ship to represent that. As a general rule, I will probably not be into angel or demon/human (although sometimes I do cheat and read the cracky PG-rated Sassy fic), but somehow I am okay with angels and demons together. Personally, I blame Neil Gaiman.

Real life things I geek out about include GLBT rights and queer studies, feminism, web 2.0 and all that entails, technology in general, books of all sorts, music of many kinds (at the moment, I'm really into Owl City, Mae, and Matt Nathanson), and believing that Obama is a badass. I also pretty much taught myself from the internets how to use Photoshop and code websites by hand, although those mostly cross over into my fannish interests these days.

Shows besides SPN that I currently watch: Doctor Who and Torchwood (DW comes back sooooon!), Leverage, Glee, Castle, Chuck, Bones, White Collar, House, Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, The Office, and a few others. I am pretty much guaranteed to be behind on at least half of those at any given time. XD Shows I am into that are no longer airing include Firefly, Dollhouse, Pushing Daisies, Queer As Folk, some other ones that escape me at the moment, and, of course, X-Files and Stargate Atlantis/SG-1. I'm watching Stargate Universe, but it sadly hasn't quite won me over yet.

I'm also pretty much a massive dork 98% of the time. Trufax, sometimes I'm totally sad because there are people younger than me who are cooler than me on the internet. I AM ALSO A TEAL DEER, as proven by this post. SIGH.

Oh! And as you can probably guess just from looking at my journal's front page, I update my Twitter WAY more often than I update here, so if you use Twitter, definitely follow me on there. It's public and archives to my journal daily, so you won't miss anything if you don't use it, and I'll automatically follow back anyone on my flist. (So, old and new flisters, let me know if I've been totally oblivious and missed the fact that you have one. Being oblivious about obvious shit is something that I am no stranger to, sadly. XD) And if you ever want to talk to me on IM, I'm waterofthemoon on Google Talk and MSN/Windows Live.

SO THAT IS ME IN A VERY LONG NUTSHELL. I swear I didn't mean to write that much, but maybe now I won't need to write a new intro post for a while? Feel free to turn back now if you've now realized you don't really need me to be on your flist after all. XD

friends: general, friends: kwen!, tv: supernatural, personal: about me, fandom: cw rpf, personal: job searching

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