Fic master post

Feb 22, 2025 20:58

Master list of all my fics ever posted to LJ in chronological posting order within sections. I... think I have enough fics to warrant posting this now. o.O

My fics, including the ones not posted to LJ, are now also organized by rating, pairing, genre, etc. at waterofthemoonfic on Delicious. They are also archived under waterofthemoon at the AO3. \o/

Originally posted on February 22, 2009. Updated May 10, 2012.

Red Carpet Closet (or, The Art of Fucking Your Co-Star) (Jared/Jensen poem, PG-13, 408 words)
A poem about Jared and Jensen and their secret, closeted Hollywood romance.
Note: This is actually NOT a fic, but I'm including it here for the sake of completeness.

These Are The Moments I Know (All I Need Is This) (Jared/Jensen, R, 1,055 words)
Jensen likes touching Jared's belt. Sleepy, snuggly, schmoopy boys.

Do It My Way (Your Reaction To My Action Is What I Want To See) (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 1,722 words)
Jensen thinks Jared was a little too interested in filming a certain scene in "Heart" and stakes his claim on Jared in bed that night. Pure, shameless PWP.

Please Leave Your Taste On My Tongue (Jared/Jensen, R, 532 words)
Boys making out and being schmoopy and sexy. Also, lazy morning humping. YAY.

(Someone Said, Someone Wrote) We're Floating Tethered To A Rope (Jared/Jensen, PG-13, 514 words)
One way it might have happened.

I Wanna See You Go Down (On One Knee) (Jared/Jensen, PG-13, 1,659 words)
Jensen and Jared wake up naked together and have to retrace the previous night. Things escalate, but not in the way you might expect. Well, maybe a little.

Desperation's Knowing Inside Your Cover's Always Blown (Jared/Jensen, R, 1,165 words)
Jensen skips the CW Upfronts to go be with Jared in Vancouver.

Hard To Breathe (I Can Feel Your Heartbeat Through My Skin) (unrequited Jared/Jensen, R, 650 words)
Jensen doesn't think he'll ever get Jared, but he's willing to wait.

Fight The Good Fight (Make It Worth The Price We Pay) (Jared/Jensen, PG, 709 words)
The night they wrap production on episode twelve, everyone's a little tense.

Secondary Use For Shirts (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 588 words)
Jared has Jensen right where he wants him.

Slow Build (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 659 words)
Jensen always knows what Jared needs.

Comfortable Screw Against The Wall (girl!Chris/Steve, NC-17, 661 words)
Steve fucks Chris against the wall, then there is schmoop. Part of a longer, as yet unwritten 'verse in which Chris wakes up a girl.

Tension Causes Friction (The Potential For More) (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 2,093 words)
He wants to make Jared lose control almost more than he wants to breathe.

Don't Burn Out Too Fast (This Burning Need) (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 748 words)
It's Jensen's birthday, and Jared wants to make him feel good.

Soaring Ever Higher (But I Flew Too High) (Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Danneel; PG-13; 1,455 words)
Sometimes the right thing isn't the best thing. Without Jared around, Jensen finds himself in freefall.

The Metaphysics Of Catnaps (Jared/Jensen, PG, 1,150 words)
College AU. Jared + night shifts + early classes + Jensen = awkwardness. And later, schmoop.

And I Ponder Where My Stapler's Gone (Jared/Jensen, Misha/Vicki/Chad; PG-13; 5,821 words)
Jared's obviously pining away. Jensen's clearly miserable. It's a match made in codependent heaven. A cubicle romance in which Misha makes matches, cons his coworkers, and refines his plans for global domination.

Ten Thousand Channels, And Nothing's On (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 776 words)
Jensen catches Jared in the act. Jared doesn't mind.

spn_30snapshots fics ( prompt table):
On A Saturday Night Somewhere (Chris/Steve, NC-17, 1,403 words)
Chris and Steve are drunk after a Kane gig, and also, they are in love. Basically, this is porn.

Crashing Down (We Fumble Through) (Jared/Jensen/Danneel, NC-17, 3,351 words)
Danneel wants to have a threesome, Jared is surprisingly into it, and Jensen second guesses himself a lot.

The Sixth Time's The Charm (Jared/Jensen, PG-13, 3,679 words)
Five times Jensen and Jared never comforted each other, and one time they did.

We Warmed Up To So Many Things We Never Could Have Made (Jared/Jensen/Danneel/Genevieve, NC-17, 6,228 words)
Three might be a crowd, but four is just enough.

Sugar On My Tongue (A Thing For You I Can't Ignore) (Jared/Jensen, R, 1,837 words)
Jared has this crazy idea that he and Jensen should do body shots off each other. Jensen goes along with it. Things ensue.

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel (Jared/Jensen, PG, 2,250 words)
Jensen needs to take someone home for Christmas so his mom will quit bugging him. As for Jared? He's probably a masochist for agreeing to this.

Collabs with unperfectwolf
The One Where Jensen's Off In L.A. (And The Fake Tree's Virtue Is Seriously Brought Into Question) (Jared/Jensen, R, 2,024 words)
Tommy's asking dogs to marry him, Jensen's in L.A., and the only way Jared knows to stop Mike from causing any more damage is to have Story Time, which is basically Jared telling him all about his and Jensen's sex life.

Forever Enough 'verse:

Doctor Who/Torchwood
Elevator To The Moon (A Little Out Of Reach) (Ten/Jack, past Jack/Ianto; PG; 1,984 words)
They don't talk about the people they've lost. Jack runs away, and the Doctor comes to find him.

Gonna Give You All My Love (Been Saving It All For You) (Steve/Tony, past Steve/Peggy; NC-17; 2,197 words)
Steve finally has Tony right where he wants him, but then Tony says the last thing Steve was expecting. It turns out not to matter as much as Steve might have thought.

Olympics RPF
Roads Left In Both Of Our Shoes (Michael Phelps/Ryan Lochte, PG, 571 words)
Coda of sorts to the men's 100m medley relay. Michael needs to keep Ryan around.

And I'll Take You For Who You Are (If You Take Me For Everything) (Sam/Dean, NC-17, 1,014 words)
Sam and Dean celebrate Sam's birthday with sleepy morning sex. Futurefic, established relationship, so schmoopy it'll make your teeth rot.

Bound And Restricted (You Will Be The Death Of Me) (Sam/Dean, NC-17, 1,613 words)
After the events of All Hell Breaks Loose, Dean falls into a funk, but Sam has a cure.

Sunrise Alive (Search The Sky To Find It Falling) (Sam/Dean, PG, 964 words)
Sam and Dean and a sunrise in west Texas.

Where The Horizon And The Rooftops Meet (Castiel, Sam/Dean; PG-13; 2,195 words)
Castiel keeps a journal and contemplates his existence as the apocalypse approaches.

So Let It Out And Let It In (John/Mary, PG, 1,000 words)
She knows he was a soldier, but she doesn't want him fighting her war. A story about Mary.

Oil And Octane (I Won't Even Look Back) (Impala, Sam/Dean; PG; 600 words)
It's not that he wants to get away from Dean; it's that he wants to learn how all his moving parts work without Dean to make them move.

fic: all

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