Fic master post

Feb 22, 2025 20:58

Master list of all my fics ever posted to LJ in chronological posting order within sections. I... think I have enough fics to warrant posting this now. o.O

My fics, including the ones not posted to LJ, are now also organized by rating, pairing, genre, etc. at waterofthemoonfic on Delicious. They are also archived under waterofthemoon at the AO3. \ ( Read more... )

fic: all

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Comments 4

painted_dreams March 4 2010, 03:14:49 UTC
I am a fellow Torchwood and Doctor Who fan...

I am also a writer, artist and photographer. I am moving back to the Pacific Northwest next March (Bellingham), I was living in Portland before.

My name is Shea... Mind if I add you?


coyotesuspect July 15 2010, 00:45:30 UTC
Hey! So! I've been wanting to friend you since you wrote that Dean-is-bisexual meta for spnland, but I'm kind of stupid-shy about friending people. However, since we've been write battling lately and you seem really cool, I was wondering if we could be friends. :D?


waterofthemoon July 15 2010, 00:47:31 UTC
LOLOLOL. I totally thought I already friended you. *fail* Of course, no need to ask! ♥


lavishsqualor June 9 2012, 20:05:27 UTC
HI! Just wanted to drop by to say that it was superlovely meeting you in the wincon chat last night! how fun, right??

Anyway, you seem just, awesome and like someone I must be friends with, so I'm gonna add, okay? :D


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