I hate getting bunnies right before I fall asleep

Jan 30, 2009 13:50

Soooooooo I need a remotely plausible scenario in which Crowley and Aziraphale would run into or seek out Jared and Jensen so I can write this and be done with it. Difference of setting isn't a problem--I'm thinking to probably set it in LA or Vancouver, since that's a bit less trouble than getting J2 to England. The issue I'm having is more "why ( Read more... )

books: good omens, shipping: crowley/aziraphale, shipping: jared/jensen, fandom: cw rpf

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Comments 10

zortified January 30 2009, 21:05:44 UTC
You could have a Hell Bureaucracy Snafu plot: someone downstairs thinks Castiel is sending messages/hanging out with someone on Earth and only has a photo of his contact. By the time Crowley and Aziraphale found out the photo has been IDed as Jensen. Turns out that hell's Secretary is a fan of SPN and had stuck a photo up by her computer.


testickles January 30 2009, 21:32:54 UTC
That's kind of genius.


waterofthemoon January 31 2009, 00:31:43 UTC
Ahahahaha, YES. BRILLIANT. \o/ And now I have this SCENE in my head.

Aziraphale: Castiel?
Misha: *turns around* Yeah, what's up?
Aziraphale: *gets closer* Oh, pardon me, I must have the wrong man.
Misha: No, I'm Castiel. You can call me Misha, though; I always thought that was kind of weird. First day, huh? What is it, script changes?
Aziraphale: Dear boy, I do think I haven't gone so native that I wouldn't recognize someone from Above. Unless, well... oh, poor thing. They've stripped your wings, haven't They? Tsk.
Misha: ...The boys sent you, right?
Aziraphale: In a manner of speaking, I suppose. Though I rather think Raphael would prefer not to be referred to in such a manner.
Misha: *stares*
Aziraphale: *stares back*
Misha: Look, buddy. You're a decent actor, and I'm loving the method thing, but I gotta get back on set. Wardrobe's that way. *points*


unperfectwolf January 31 2009, 00:46:01 UTC


testickles January 30 2009, 21:33:38 UTC
This is a fic I need to read. You're not insane, you're brilliant.


waterofthemoon January 31 2009, 01:40:51 UTC
Wheeeeeee! I was hoping I wasn't the only one who needed it to exist. \o/


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