I hate getting bunnies right before I fall asleep

Jan 30, 2009 13:50

Soooooooo I need a remotely plausible scenario in which Crowley and Aziraphale would run into or seek out Jared and Jensen so I can write this and be done with it. Difference of setting isn't a problem--I'm thinking to probably set it in LA or Vancouver, since that's a bit less trouble than getting J2 to England. The issue I'm having is more "why do J2 matter to them in particular?" I also think Misha and Aziraphale in the same room would be funny, but Misha's expendable if he doesn't serve the plot. Jared/Jensen, Crowley/Aziraphale. GO.

Chat already thinks I'm insane. You guys can tell me I am, too. It's just EATING MY BRAIN.

books: good omens, shipping: crowley/aziraphale, shipping: jared/jensen, fandom: cw rpf

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