Someone save me from the idiots...

Aug 29, 2006 17:56

WHAT. Here, allow me to repost this extremely short article:

Dog's driving lesson ends in crash )

news: misc, tv: firefly, school: misc

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Comments 4

oddeyes15 August 29 2006, 23:18:44 UTC
perhaps we should be thankful it was just a woman with a dog and not a woman with a baby who might keep thinking, "maybe this year Baby can steer the car...."


momebie August 30 2006, 00:54:46 UTC
I LOVE PEOPLE!!!! wtf!

Firealarms suck. We used to tape paper over ours. It only helps minimaly, but it made us feel like we were doing something.


loonobsessedax August 30 2006, 03:19:15 UTC
*cries for humanity*


waterofthemoon August 30 2006, 04:19:19 UTC
*weeps with you*


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