Someone save me from the idiots...

Aug 29, 2006 17:56

WHAT. Here, allow me to repost this extremely short article:

Dog's driving lesson ends in crash

BEIJING, China (AP) -- You can teach a dog new tricks -- but driving isn't one of them.

A woman in Hohhot, the capital of north China's Inner Mongolia region, crashed her car while giving her dog a driving lesson, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Monday.

No injuries were reported although the vehicles involved were slightly damaged, Xinhua said.

The woman, identified only by her surname, Li, said her dog "was fond of crouching on the steering wheel and often watched her drive."

"She thought she would let the dog 'have a try' while she operated the accelerator and brake," the report said. "They did not make it far before crashing into an oncoming car."

Xinhua did not say what kind of dog or vehicles were involved but Li paid for repairs.

Even if dogs had the mental capacity to successfully drive a car, and I'm not sure most people who drive have that, but even if they did, they don't have opposable thumbs. Most dogs wouldn't be able to reach the pedals, either, although that's clearly irrelevant here. A dog cannot physically operate a motor vehicle the way a human would, if at all, and furthermore, they don't give drivers' licenses to dogs. WTF. I hope that idiot woman knows how lucky she is that this incident just resulted in a fender bender. >.<

I was on Amazon late last night/early this morning finding some books I need for class because the bookstore didn't order them, or something, and I ended up also getting Firefly and Serenity on DVD. I can't really afford to splurge like that, especially since I hold the purist belief that a true Browncoat doesn't buy those secondhand, but it finally felt like the right time. So there you go. :D

I HATE THE NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM WAH. We had our semester drill at 6 am this morning, and the alarm, which is now IN OUR ROOMS (not in the hallway) and involves a strobe light and computerized voice in addition to the alarm sound, seriously scared the crap out of me. I'm pretty sure I woke up screaming, which... got me up, I guess, but I don't think inciting panic and anxiety is exactly what they were going for. (Not to mention what that probably did to my roommate, ye gods. I think I'm lucky she's still talking to me and not trying to lay on hands or something.)

Someone give me a fun and easy idea for house dinner while I'm at class, since Michelle and I supposedly have to do it this week and I absolutely suck at these things. >.< Sorted! :)

ETA (9:41 pm): Slightly paraphrased, but I overheard the following on the way to my Gender And Sex Roles class (which I LOVE, btw). I think she wins for sheer ironic timing.

Some chick on her phone, possibly a freshman: "I got my first English paper back, and, like, I got a really bad grade. I think I'm just dropping out and getting married. I'm just gonna give it up, you know?"

*facepalm* SMU for the win! (Seriously, why are we here, y'all?)

news: misc, tv: firefly, school: misc

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