Old haunts and new friends...

Jul 10, 2006 01:38

Eee. I'm rereading copperbadge's fabulously AU Stealing Harry 'verse--the last time I read it was like a year ago, and apparently he wrote a whole lot more of the sequels while I wasn't paying attention, so I have to catch up to the current chapter--and it's every bit as good as I remembered. I forget how much I miss these characters, not to mention my OTP, ( Read more... )

books: good omens, tv: firefly, fandom: general, books: misc, books: harry potter

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Comments 4

momebie July 10 2006, 14:09:36 UTC
I want like, an inkling of Neil Gaiman's talent. Really. It kills me.


threerings July 10 2006, 16:55:56 UTC
Now I have to try to figure out if I've read the "Stealing Harry" stories and if not, try to find time to read them.


waterofthemoon July 10 2006, 17:31:40 UTC
Stealing Harry is a fantastic story written by a brilliant author, and you should definitely read it if you've not. Imagine a world where Sirius never went to Azkaban. Then imagine him owning a bookshop in London and hiring Remus to run said bookshop, and then the two of them taking an eight-year-old Harry from the Dursleys to live with them in Remus' flat. It gets darker later on, but it's still a lot of fun. :) And if you like that one, the Laocoon's Children sequels follow Harry and his friends through their time at Hogwarts in this alternate 'verse... Sam's started updating LC again, and I believe he's now published up to chapter four of Harry's third year. So, yes, definitely go check it out!


threerings July 10 2006, 22:59:46 UTC
Usually I'm not a huge fan of AU fics because part of the fun of fanfic for me is fitting the most outlandish events and activities into canon. However, I do make exceptions for great writing.


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