Old haunts and new friends...

Jul 10, 2006 01:38

Eee. I'm rereading copperbadge's fabulously AU Stealing Harry 'verse--the last time I read it was like a year ago, and apparently he wrote a whole lot more of the sequels while I wasn't paying attention, so I have to catch up to the current chapter--and it's every bit as good as I remembered. I forget how much I miss these characters, not to mention my OTP, when I don't visit as often as I ought... I'm distracted too easily these days, I think. Which is good, because New Things are shiny and horizon-expanding and all that, but not good, because it makes me feel all fractured, like. So I guess what I'm saying is, it's good to come home. :D

Other awesome things I am reading:
  • American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Who, if you are not aware (and why not?), is extremely talented and entirely fucked up, and I mean that in the best way possible, because he's really quite lovely in his blog. Anyway. I'm on, like, chapter three of this book, and it's dark and interesting and oh so very good. I hesitate to recommend anything I've not read even halfway through, but let's just say that it's not your average anything and definitely a book that will make you think and ponder. MORE LATER. :D (I think it made me have extremely strange dreams last night/this morning, though. OMGWTF BRAIN.)

    On that note, I think I'm going to do a quick reread of Good Omens, just to make sure I have my bearings right on canon!Aziraphale and Crowley before I start trying to write my Remus/Aziraphale for slashfest. It's been a few months since I picked up the book and read it straight through, anyway. :D

  • An Arrow's Flight by Mark Merlis. Okay, you know the Trojan War, right? Achilles and Helen and Odysseus and all them? Imagine this all happening in modernish times, except sort of... not, in some ways. Achilles' quarter-divine son Pyrrhus (formally known as Neoptolemus) is a gay hustler/stripper, only now his past has caught up with him and he's got to go be head of his father's army and win the war for the Greeks. And more stuff happens, but I won't spoil the rest. I LOVE this book, and I can finally reread it now that a sufficient amount of time has passed since I read it for class and wrote a paper about it. XD If there were Pyrrhus/Philoctetes or Pyrrhus/Leucon fic, I would totally read it; sadly, however, it seems I am a fandom of one, at least online. READ IT OMG.

  • Serenity: The Official Visual Companion by Joss Whedon, of course. My allergies are acting up right now, so can I just say this this book is beautiful and shiny and just wow? Because it is. *_* Browncoats, you all should totally buy a copy. (And then buy one for a friend, like dakotawitch and eraven did for me.) Yay!

  • The Brief History Of The Dead by Kevin Brockmeier. Well... I haven't actually really started this one. I tried to start it back in February, but it's hard enough getting my reading for class done during the school year, and now Rachel's got the book. But the beginning was intriguing, from what I recall.

And now the Benadryl is starting to kick in. Time for bed, I think.

books: good omens, tv: firefly, fandom: general, books: misc, books: harry potter

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