Anything to avoid the inevitable...

Jun 05, 2006 01:20

OMG. Girl Scout day camp is tomorrow. I have to get up at ridiculous o'clock tomorrow, but I'm reading my flist before bed and thought you all should know of my pain. The theme this year is "It's Easy Being Green," so it's all about recycling and protecting the earth and stuff, which is OMG TEH AWESOME, you all know how I feel about proselytizing ( Read more... )

fandom: general, techie: livejournal, school: service, tv: firefly, personal: family, tv: house md, share: music, personal: religion, movies: misc

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Comments 2

mananeh June 5 2006, 08:28:58 UTC
Le poop. Pressed 'post' before I was done - sorry if you get double comment email thingie - I hate those

Handmade paper - I like - hope it goes well.

Give in to peer pressure! They'll lead you to better things.

Erm... am ignorant of Firefly and the whole shippy debacles going on there, but the song really reminded me of My Vitriol's 'Always: Your Way', which I've been rummaging through my CD collection for the past half hour trying to find for you (and because I've got the listening munchies for it now). Couldn't find it though.
Still, if you come across it... yep. Same sort of sound, beautiful song, and one of my favourites.


mananeh June 5 2006, 14:24:30 UTC
... and you can find the song here, provided by the lovely ...


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