~False Impression~ Chapter 9

Jan 22, 2010 23:54

Chapter 9

When the bright sunrays intrude into Jaejoong’s room, Yoochun wakes up grudgingly from the comfort of his dream.

A smile graces Yoochun’s face as he feels a familiar figure snuggling closer to him.

‘Just like old times…’ Yoochun chuckles when Jaejoong clumsily swings an arm and a leg over Yoochun cuddling him like a human teddy bear.

Yoochun muses over how Jaejoong never changed: still so cute, so childish, so innocent… All his actions make him wanting to protect his soulmate more than ever. He wonders if how Jaejoong could have survived alone in America if he had never went after him. After all, those lonely nights when Jaejoong was homesick, he always came to Yoochun. All those times seeing Jaejoong’s shinning doe eyes filled with sadness, Yoochun always scooted over creating a space on his bed for Jaejoong. He held Jaejoong close on those nights, both of them falling together reminiscing their old times with family and friends while reminding each other they still had one another. The mornings after, Yoochun would wake up in a similar position with Jaejoong holding onto him like he was a teddy bear.

After laying there for a couple of minutes of just observing Jaejoong and soaking of the warmth brought by the still sleeping boy, Yoochun noticed his legs are starting to fall asleep in their current  position. “Joongie…” Yoochun pokes Jaejoong arms a little.

“Um…” Jaejoong mumbles something grumpily.

“Joongie, the sun is out! Time to wake up!” Yoochun pinches Jaejoong’s nose again.

“… Um…” Jaejoong wiggles a little then hugging Yoochun even tighter, “Yunnie bear…”

‘Yunnie? Who is that?’ Yoochun wonders. He had never heard Jaejoong call out that name before… Who could it be?

Yoochun couldn’t think much more when Jaejoong stirs from his sleep.

Jaejoong slowly opens up his eyes groggily, rubbing them and waiting for them to adjust to the daylight. When he is fully awake he finds himself in a familiar embrace. “…Chunnie?”

“Who else?” Yoochun chuckles when he sees Jaejoong blinking his big round eyes at him.

“Um… I don’t want to get up yet… So comfy.” Jaejoong sat stretching his arms lazily before collapsing back down into Yoochun’s arms.

“You lazy bum! Get up and cook me food!” Yoochun commands jokingly.

“You’ve only been around Changmin last night, and you are already starting to sound like him again!” Jaejoong laughs.

Yoochun joins Jaejoong as their laughter fills the room. “If I was Changmin, you’d be up hours ago and would still be preparing food!”

The two soulmates ended up staying in bed bickering and joking around, when they finally decided to get up, it was already past 10:00AM.

Instead of eating something extravagant prepared by the cook, Yoochun took a seat at the kitchen table watching Jaejoong prepare a simple American brunch like they’ve done many times in the past.

They ate together in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. Since Jaejoong’s parents went to work already, and the maids were busy tidying up their mansion, there were just the two of them in the kitchen, like it had been for the past few months.

After brunch, Jaejoong went to the piano while Yoochun took care of the dishes. It was one of their rituals, since Jaejoong cooks the food, Yoochun would take care of the dishes.

A soft melody filled up the mansion as Jaejoong’s fingers dances magically on the keys. Soon the melody is joined by the harmony when Yoochun took his place by Jaejoong. The duo’s skills complimenting each other’s magnificently, making the song absolutely enchanting.

Slowly the song comes to an end and the soulmates looks at each other with a happy smile.

“That was great, Joongie!” Yoochun ruffles Jaejoong’s hair.

Jaejoong hurriedly smacks his hand away, “Of course it was great! But if would be better if you would finish wiring the lyrics to the song!”

“I’m working on it! Besides, that’s our plan this summer right? To finish composing this song together.” Yoochun smiles lazily, “We’ve got all summer for this!”

Jaejoong gives Yoochun a light punch, “Who wants to spend the entire summer with you?”

“Oh Jae, if you don’t know this already, you are stuck with me!” Yoochun puts an arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder.

Just as Jaejoong was about to make a snarky reply, a car honk outside reminds Jaejoong of his promise.

“Oh no!! He is here!” Jaejoong stands up hurriedly letting Yoochun’s arm fall down by his side wondering what is going on.

Jaejoong hurriedly puts on his shoes, “Yoochun, I need to go! You can get the driver to take you home! I’m so sorry! I’ll explain later!” With that Jaejoong rushes out the door leaving a dumbfounded Yoochun.

Snapping out of his trance, Yoochun makes his way over to the door in time to see Jaejoong getting on a guy’s car. He wonders why Jaejoong was in such a rush to meet this guy… Who exactly was he? Could this be…’Yunnie’? Without a second thought he phones Junsu. “Su, when are you coming back? Can we meet up when you get back?”

‘Is he asking me out? Is my dream coming true?’ Junsu who was bored out of his mind with his family visit out of town immediately agrees to come back as soon as possible, and will give Yoochun a call once he arrives.

Meanwhile Yunho is driving his car while occasionally stealing a glance or two at the lovely angel sitting beside him.

Of course Jaejoong notices with the constant gaze returning on him, he could feel his cheeks heating up. He suddenly has an understandable urge to smack himself for being in such a hurry that morning not being able to dress up a little for this… date?

‘DATE?! What am I thinking?’ Jaejoong resists an urge to bump his head against the window. ‘I can’t believe I’m thinking that we are going on a date! Though … it feels as if we are… Ahh! Stop thinking! I’m being stupid!’

With another side glace at Jaejoong, Yunho detects a tinge of redness on his cheeks in contrast to Jaejoong’s fair porcelain skin. ‘So cute! I wish I know what he is thinking…’

“You look cute today!” Yunho suddenly blurts out what he has been thinking since he saw the angel rush out of his house.

The blush on Jaejoong’s face darkens as he lowers his head trying to hide it, “Thanks… I was sort if on a rush this morning. I’m not sure if I dressed appropriately for what we are doing today though. Wait… What exactly are we doing today?”

“What you are wearing is perfect for today.” Yunho smiles as a puzzled look settles upon Jaejoong’s face when he realizes he had no idea where they are heading. “As for our destination, I’ll keep it a secret. But you will see when we arrive.”

Jaejoong pouts when hearing that answer, but decides to look forward to the surprise instead of pushing for an answer.

The two of them made small talks throughout the ride, and when there were silences, they were never uncomfortable. It was as if they knew each other for years rather than just a mere couple of days. Well, Yunho did know Jaejoong for more than half a year already, but not exactly on a personal level until the recent turn of events.

Jaejoong was sure he lost his sense of direction as the car meanders through the roads that lead deeper into the mountains. He didn’t really care though, because he was with Yunho.

Soon the car pulls up to a parking spacing in a clearing surrounded by the lush green forest.

Stunned by the green surrounding, Jaejoong slowly unbuckles his seatbelt and makes his way out of the car, still caught up by the beauty of his surrounding.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Yunho smiles when he saw his angel’s reaction.

Jaejoong nods in return. “So green… Nature is beautiful!”

“Come on, more nature awaits us!” Yunho holds out a hand and leads Jaejoong down a path into the forest. “I hope you don’t mind a little hike to reach our destination.”

“Not at all.” Jaejoong replies, letting himself being led down the dirt road with his hand securely in Yunho’s.

Somewhere along the path, Jaejoong decides he could complete trust Yunho, even with his life. He didn’t know what made him think that way… Heck, he didn’t know where the other was leading him… For all he knows, Yunho could be taking him somewhere to sell him off, rape him, or do tons of other terrible things to him, since there is absolutely no way Jaejoong could reach anyone else for help in his current position. But Jaejoong is willing to trust the other man. Not understanding why, but he feels protected and cared for when he is with Yunho. Maybe the journey down this path deeper into the mountain, Jaejoong has also begun his journey to discovering his love.

Miles away, confined within the blank white walls of the hospital, Heechul ponders over the progress of Yunho and Jaejoong’s relationship. Not that he was willing to let them two to be together, but in order for his plan to succeed, he is willing to take this risk.


fanfic, yunjae, false impression

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