~False Impression~ Chapter 8

Jan 04, 2010 19:17

Chapter 8

The two soulmates lay together on the king size bed, staring up blankly at the ceiling with a content smile on their faces.

After a night of fun hanging with their old friends, both were blissfully exhausted. The four childhood friends that haven’t seen each other for half a year had lots to catch up on. Those few hours they had with each weren’t enough for all they wanted to tell each other. Jaejoong had suggested all of them should stay over for the night, yet the idea was cut short when Junsu’s mom called asking him to get home early for they had to go out of town the next day. Changmin hurried home as well when he realized today was the day when their family cook restock the kitchen, his craving for a big midnight snack took him home.

“I missed them.” Jaejoong says breaking the silence.

Yoochun turns his head to facing Jaejooong, “I do too.” Then Yoochun grabs Jaejoong’s hand, “I miss you as well.”

Jaejoong lets out a heartfelt laugh, “Chunnie-ah, we’ve only been apart for three days!”

“… I know. But those days felt like forever to me, since we are always together…” Yoochun tightens his grasp on Jaejoong’s hand. “… and I want to always stand by you.”

“Awe, Chunnie! You are so sweet!” Jaejoong giggles at Yoochun’s words.

“Will you let me stay by your side though?” Yoochun asks.

Jaejoong turns to face Yoochun, looking into his eyes and chuckles again. “Why are you so serious all of the sudden? You know I’ll always let you be by my side! I can’t ever let you go when you’ve been with me through everything!”

“Good, because I’m never letting you go! You are stuck with me forever!” Yoochun pinches Jaejoong’s nose.

“Hey! Don’t do that! I’m not a little kid anymore!” Jaejoong whines and slaps Yoochun playfully, then turning away pretending to be sleep.

“You are still a little kid to me!” Yoochun says in a teasing tone while squeezing Jaejoong’s hand.

“Humph!” Jaejoong frees his hand from Yoochun’s grasp.

“Awe, is my cute little Joongie mad at me?” Yoochun asks in with a baby voice.

Jaejoong want laugh at Yoochun’s cooing voice, but he didn’t want to give in too fast.

After a few minutes of silence, Yoochun begins poking Jaejoong’s arm, “Joongie! Double J!! Don’t be mad!! Please!”

Jaejoongs shoulders begin shaking softly as he tries to contain his laughter.

Seeing that, Yoochun knows Jaejoong isn’t really mad at him so he immediately changes his tactics, “Fine. If you are going to ignore me, I’m going to sleep.”

That caught Jaejoong’s attention. He turns around and grabs Yoochun’s hand, “Chunnie! Don’t go to sleep yet! I’m not tired.”

It is now Yoochun’s turn to pretend to sleep, however his pretending didn’t last long because of the jetlag, he soon falls to sleep for real.

“Awe! Chunnie is a meanie! Leaving Joongie to stay up all alone…” Jaejoong pouts when he hears soft snores coming from Yoochun.

Jaejoong folds his arms to pillow his head, he stares up at the ceiling again reminiscing the events of the past few days.

So much has happened when he set foot back onto his home land. When Jaejoong saw Heechul coming to pick up him from the airport, he had thought his brother was finally going to give him a chance, for them to become real brothers. However, the dreadful incident with the car, where he tried to save Heechul, his hyung got injured anyways, which seems cause his hyung to hate him more. Then he met Yunho…

… Yunho…

Come to think of it, Jaejoong never really paid much attention to anyone else other than his childhood friends. But Yunho was different… Jaejoong supposed it’s because Yunho’s his hyung’s first friend, or boyfriend… wait… now ex-boyfriend…

... Ex-boyfriend…

‘It’s my entire fault!’ Jaejoong screams in his head when he remembers he was the reason for Yunho and Heechul’s break up.

Though Jaejoong couldn’t understand how he could have caused the break up… Maybe it’s because he talked to Yunho? And Heechul didn’t like that? So they broke up?

… That didn’t make much sense.

‘Poor Heechul hyung and Yunho… If I only I didn’t come back…’ Jaejoong thinks ashe buries his head in his pillow. ‘I hope he is okay…’

Then Jaejoong suddenly realizes how he had completely ignored Yunho with Yoochun’s sudden appearance. ‘I’m such an idiot! That was very rude of me! What am I going to do now?’

Jaejoong hastily reaches for his phone on his nightstand, and looks through the list of contacts finding the number he had added earlier this morning.

The dial tone sounds and Jaejoong feels his heart racing. He didn’t know why but he feels extremely nervous.

‘No one is picking up… Is he mad at me?’ Anxiously, Jaejoong glances to his side. A flash of 12:34 AM in bright red on his clock, he quickly ends the call.

“What am I doing? Calling him so late… He must be asleep already.” Jaejoong mumbles to himself.

He lets out a soft sign of relief while noticing his heart rate is returning to normal.

But the whole experience is completely abnormal. His heart never sped up like that just because he was calling someone. Why was he even nervous in the first place?

His thoughts were cut short when the phone in his hand vibrates. He was so shocked that he almost threw his phone away. But he comes to his senses soon enough to put his phone to his ear.

“Hello?” He says uncertainly, the nervousness and the heart racing immediately came back at full force when he guesses the person on the other line.

“Jaejoong?” The caller was equally nervous.

That night Yunho was lying in bed thinking about nothing but Jaejoong. In his mind, he replayed every moment he had with Jaejoong since the day he first met him. He remembers the way Jaejoong talks and the way he covers his mouth when he laughs… But more importantly he remembers that out of all these times he spent with Jaejoong, he had yet to see Jaejoong act with him the way he had acted with Yoochun.

He couldn’t help be feel jealous seeing how the two friends acted around each other. They seem closer than just friends… Even before today’s encounter when Yoochun had went after Jaejoong to study abroad, Yunho had believed he had little to no chance with Jaejoong with Yoochun around. Though when Jaejoong came back alone, he thought maybe God was on his side, giving him this one chance to be with him… That is, if he could find a peaceful way to end his relationship with Heechul. Now that it did end, even though not very peacefully, Yunho was finally ready to pursue Jaejoong to his best ability. But now that Yoochun is back, it seems that Jaejoong had forgotten him entirely.

Just as he thought that, he heard his phone vibrating on the nightstand. He hesitated to answer, afraid it was Heechul on the other line. In that case, he should just ignore and pretend he was asleep. However, his curiosity cot the best of him as he picked up the phone and almost dropping it when he saw Jaejoong’s name flashing on the screen. Though when he was about to answer, the call ended.

Without a second thought he called Jaejoong, his heart pounding away while he waited for the other to answer. When he heard Jaejoong’s voice, his heart mind and soul screamed in happiness, ‘He didn’t forget me! Jaejoong called me!’

“Yunho…” Jaejoong whispers carefully so to not disturb his sleeping friend. As quietly as he could, he moves out of his bed and onto the balcony.

“You called?” Yunho asks cautiously, wondering why Jaejoong was still awake at such late hours.

“Yunho, I want to apologize neglecting you when Yoochun showed up. I was too excited to see him… I really didn’t mean to… I’m sorry.” Jaejoong stumbles in his speech as he tries to explain himself.

Yunho chuckles, “its okay, I understand.”

Jaejoong smiles in relief when he hears Yunho’s laugh, but he couldn’t help but still feel bad for forgetting about Yunho like that. “I’m really sorry… Is there anyway I can make it up to you?”

“Its okay, Jae, you don’t need to-”

Before Yunho was able to say anything, Jaejoong cuts him off, “If you are not busy tomorrow afternoon, do you want to hang out? I’ll set the whole afternoon aside for you to make up for today.”

Yunho couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A moment ago he thought Jaejoong had completely forgotten him, and now? His angel was asking him out on a date? Well, it is a friendly date… but STILL!!

“Um… Yunho? Are you there?” Jaejoong asks as he hears no reply. “If you are busy, I’ll make up to you some other day, some other way…”

Yunho quickly comes back to his senses. “Tomorrow’s fine! I’ll come by your house after lunch?”

“That’s great! See you tomorrow!” Jaejoong replies happily, his not even entirely sure why he is this happy. “Good night!”

“Night!” Yunho hangs up with the same excitement as Jaejoong, he silently adds, “let’s meet in our dreams.”


fanfic, yunjae, false impression

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