A Deal With The...Ex?

Nov 24, 2009 20:41

Prompt: 098 Writer‘s Choice (Bargains)
POV: Peregrine Black
Rating: PG13
Summary: A bit of a wrap-up. Cliche Villain is Cliche, and Mary is... oddly resourceful. *twitch* Perry is getting his answers. More or less.

Hijacked Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

A fight between Darren and Mariam had preceded the ambulance trip. Who rode with... of all bloody things.

They flipped a coin on it in the end. Yeah... the EMT's were less than thrilled and tried to shoo them both. Only a moment of panic from Peregrine had convinced them to let the winner ride with him after all.

It was Darren. The older detective kept out of the way, but he seemed to fret as much as possible within that restriction.

Yeah, in a hospital room or not, Peregrine was just glad the ride was over. Not that he cared for what the staff had to say, or the fact they'd had felt so free to share it with Darren.

Seeing the detective almost sullen and guilty looking was...disconcerting, "I'll be fine," he grumbled.

Darren nodded slowly, clearly not sure if he should feel relieved or not. "I never should have dragged you in."

Peregrine rolled his eyes, lying back as a tremor ran through him. Yeah. It wasn't without reason his partner doubted. "Doesn't matter," he grumbled, "Ah... now... what happened to... him?"

"I don't know," Darren replied with surprising honesty. "Mariam helped me avoid his ambush entirely. I sent some black and whites instead."

"He hates you."

"Yeah. I kind of guessed that."

"This isn't going to help," Peregrine added, stating the obvious and earning an annoyed glare for it. But damnit anything was better than the worried guilt. "So... ah. Mariam's help?"

"For one, she would have done anything to save you so long as Alyssa was safe. For another. I cut her a deal."

Peregrine sat up somewhat, raising an eyebrow. "You did?"

Darren actually gave a slight grin. "Yup. My ex is going to help her get on her feet and take care of her daughter."

"Ah," Peregrine replied somewhat blankly, lying back again. Damnit he was so bloody tired, not that sleeping seemed possible. Besides he'd been sleeping too damned much lately. "Hey, ah. When she gets here. If she asks--"

"Only tell her the obvious?"


"And my cousin--"

"I'll be calling him back when she's here. Do you want his company or?"

Peregrine shook his head in answer and Darren nodded.

"I'll convince him he doesn't need to come home then."

"Thanks." A heavy silence fell and in it Mariam arrived, Darren giving her a nod and heading out once she'd sat down.

"Hey Pip... how you feeling?"

Peregrine sat up enough to fix her with a disbelieving look, but didn't actually answer. "I know Darren wouldn't tell me, but you might have learned. Who was he? Why?"

"Damnit Pip. I shouldn't." She sighed and then continued, "Some guy called Travis Markes, he and his childhood sweetheart had a pretty slick drug operation going. Seems your big bad detective was behind a few busts...Including one that backed her into a corner," she trailed off.

She didn't need to continue, with the level of the man's hatred, the result was pretty obvious. "Still seems to be successful," he grumbled and regretted it as soon as Mariam winced.

"I wish I could stay with you longer," she hesitated, "but Ali and I are heading to Minnesota."

Peregrine's only response was a nod, questions kept to himself for now. He couldn't help but wonder if that was part of the deal Darren--not the station--had cut with her.

"Hey." Mariam took his hand, giving it a quick squeeze and releasing before he could object. "Try to sleep. I know you're trying to out-stubborn it, and you need it. I'm just gonna go check on super-cop out there."

And with that she was gone, leaving him alone. Where he could only wonder just how the double ambush had gone. And wonder a whole hell of a lot more than that. Half drugged to the teeth or no, her lack of concern had him somewhat... confused.

No. This was over. The more he thought about it the more certain of that he was. And the mystery on the horizon? Yeah. He was going to sleep now, before he got too delusional.

chars:mariam, series:hijacked, rating:pg13, type:blurb, genre:drama, chars:peregrine:pov, chars:darren, genre:crime, genre:friendship, chars:peregrine

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