So a thought, after talking to
knivesandkeys and
psychic_irene There's a lack of really any Jirarudan fansites any more.
knivesandkeys's Ware Wa Collector is still up but it's riddled with ads, inactive, and a lot of the information was given to her by someone she found out was making stuff up (although she seemed to be REALLY close about his absurd height so it's hard to tell if any more is true, with the amount of untranslated stuff out there). My Graceful Obsession was the victim of a server deletion and I never got around to putting it back up (same with my Digimon site, and that had voice actor interviews!). And all the others are pretty much MIA except for this one, and this one doesn't do people much good if they don't have an LJ.
So my idea--anyone want to do a group project of setting up a definitive fan site? Maybe we could have it up by July 17th (remember, that's the 10th anniversary of the second movie).
We'd need a reliable host, and a reliable person to run it/update it (maybe a few people for that). Also we'd need to have people scout out fanworks, and someone to design the look. And possibly look into the legalities of hosting scans of the program book and the CoroCoro adaptation (yes, sadly, NotJiri is a part of the history, if not part of the actual character). If it's possible, also someone to look for oooooold sites or posts or whatever about the movie (I distinctly remember that the initial rumor was that he was going to be a researcher who was TRYING to destroy the world, but I'm not sure if any part of that was ever true and they just split that into Zero and Cyrus went with something else, or if it was all just internet people being baldfaced liars).
Oooooh, this could finally happen!