Title: All we gotta do is be brave and be kind (baby, we'll be fine)
kubisCrafter 1:
aubreyroseCrafter 2:
lunatics_wordFandom: Generation Kill
Character/Pairing(s): Brad/Nate, mostly; there's a mention of Ray/Walt once, Poke and Mike even get to speak and there are some original characters, too. Oh, and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have a little scene together. ;)
Rating: R
Word Count: a little over 20k
Warnings: mentions and acts of homophobia; swearing, but it's nothing you haven't heard if you watched the series.
Summary: Senator Nathaniel Fick of Maryland decides to run for president in 2024 election. What happened before, what happens after and what Brad thinks about all of this.
Link to Fic:
All we gotta do is be brave and be kind (baby, we'll be fine)Link to Craft 1:
aubreyrose's art is
hereLink to Craft 2:
lunatics_word's art is