A Devil Dog in Baggy Pants - Buffyaddict13 - R

Nov 04, 2010 19:20

Title: A Devil Dog in Baggy Pants 
Crafter 1: fishandcheese 
Crafter 2: buffyaddict13 
Fandom: Generation Kill, Band of Brothers
Characters / Pairing: Gen, Josh Ray Person, Brad Colbert, Tony "Poke" Espera, William Dukeman, Skip Muck, Donald Malarkey, Eugene Roe, Joe Liebgott, Bill Guarnere, Richard Winters, Albert Blithe, George Luz, Frank Perconte
Rating: R
Word Count: ~ 31,800 total
Summary: Josh Ray Person is a US Marine. He thinks he knows what war is. He thinks he knows what friendship means. He thinks there’s no such as time travel. Ray is about to find out he’s wrong on all three counts.
Link to Fic: A Devil Dog in Baggy Pants
Link to Craft 1: Ray's photograph by fishandcheese 
Link to Craft 2: Music Mix by buffyaddict13
Betas: rain_1975 , entwinedangels , foofighter0234 
Notes: Thank you so much for your beautiful art, fishandcheese . ♥

rating: r, genre: gen, fandom: generation kill, fandom: band of brothers

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