002 - video/action;

Oct 05, 2011 21:51

['sup, Luceti? Having a nice day? Well, there's a lovely close up of a cartoon pony's face here, as she finally tries to set up her own journal post.

The camera angle might change a few times until she's satisfied. Aaaand once that's over, she'll just sorta... chill. Yeah.]Okay, so. I get this place is full of hue-mans and everything, but I still ( Read more... )

!voice, cows have feelings too!, ew meat, c: makoto, second, c: beast, c: kairi, c: dug, needs moar competition, prank planning, c: frederic, !action, c: kazooie, hue-mans are weird, c: walter, epic skills, c: arche, c: poland, c: keimi

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Comments 252

video; planetcrusher October 7 2011, 05:00:08 UTC
[Oh, it's a, um, blue pony. The things you see here . . . ]

Iii don't think most humans hoof wrestle. Not with each other, anyway.


video; wannabolt October 7 2011, 05:12:04 UTC
[Yes, a blue pony with odd proportions and cartoon physics.

Said pony is going to be raising a forelimb and flexing it like a human arm, too, defying the laws of horse anatomy.]

But it's easy! Even if you guys have hands instead of hooves.


video; planetcrusher October 7 2011, 05:14:55 UTC
[Whoaaa. That's one cool cartoon-y pony.]

See, that wouldn't make it hoof wrestling anymore; it'd be arm wrestling. But I've got to say, hooves sound a lot more intense than arms.


video; wannabolt October 7 2011, 05:16:56 UTC
[She shrugs.]

Well, that's what we called it back home. I guess you've got a point, though. You basically just try to pin the other's hoof-- er, arm down. Maybe it's not so different.


[Voice] meteorical October 7 2011, 05:47:23 UTC
I'm guessing you mean me. Don't worry about it, I don't think I'm going to be a thief again any time soon...but the apology's appreciated.

And you can call me Kairi.


[Voice] wannabolt October 7 2011, 05:49:27 UTC
Kairi, huh? Gotcha.

[Rolls off the tongue better than 'red haired hue-man,' that's for sure.]

But man, that was one crazy experiment. I'm just glad I didn't get stuck in a frilly, princess dress.


[Voice] meteorical October 7 2011, 05:54:32 UTC
You and me both, though I'm still not too sure how I feel about wearing pants all the time. So tell me this; have you ever actually used a sword before?


[Voice] wannabolt October 7 2011, 14:47:50 UTC
Not exactly. I usually just use my hooves. Give 'em a good kick if they're giving me trouble.

[This being a general 'they'.

Oh, and she'll lift one of her front legs to do a sort of punching gesture.]

And my front hooves work just as well.


[ voice ] refinedmaestro October 7 2011, 06:02:02 UTC
[Despite seeing this very cutesy pony on his screen, he decides to answer the pony because he's become use to this.]

Not all humans eat meat.


[ voice ] wannabolt October 7 2011, 14:48:52 UTC
[And by now she's had a little bit of sense talked into her. Still doesn't look super pleased, though.]

Still, I just don't get why they do. Arche says it's kinda necessary, though.


[ voice ] refinedmaestro October 7 2011, 20:06:23 UTC
The reason why is because there is a type of chemical called iron and protein within meat that we humans need in our bodies to live. Otherwise, they find protein or iron within special herbal supplements or in other foods such as eggs or vegetables.


[ voice ] wannabolt October 7 2011, 22:12:45 UTC
But there is other stuff that can give 'em iron. And we use eggs and herbs all the time.

[We being ponies.]


tailasoldastime October 7 2011, 17:06:07 UTC
[Lucky for you that Beast just happens to have his journal open to hear the TALKING PONY?! What on... well, next to the giant turtles, this shouldn't be too strange, but at least the turtles are likely humans deep inside. But just from the way she's talking, it's pretty obvious that she's not human and never has been.

And her question offends him a bit; for the longest time while he's cursed, he's gone out to hunt for food, 'cause most other options are extremely limited.

So he's going to immediately speak before his tact is switched on.]

Sometimes we don't have a choice.


wannabolt October 7 2011, 18:40:45 UTC
[And by now, Dash has figured that out. Still weirds her out, but she's trying to at least tolerate it.]

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have asked.


tailasoldastime October 7 2011, 19:37:29 UTC
[Oh. ... Now he feels like he was being mean, snapping like that. Um, quick, say something!]

... N-not... Not that I don't... e-eat my... vegetables... o-or anything... [He shrinks a little while saying this, feeling like he's being reprimanded by Mrs. Potts.] But...

B-but sometimes th-they weren't... around... as much.


wannabolt October 7 2011, 22:15:43 UTC
I can't even imagine what that's like. Without crops we'd have to live off of baked goods and grass all the time.

[Which isn't so bad, except... baked goods sometimes need herbal ingredients tossed in.]


[Voice] toujoursfluer October 7 2011, 23:22:32 UTC
Hmm, do you suppose grass wishes to be eaten?


[Voice] wannabolt October 8 2011, 04:44:28 UTC
But grass is different! It's not like the grass can feel it or anything.


[Voice] toujoursfluer October 8 2011, 04:47:21 UTC
Perhaps you simply can't hear it. It's a living thing after all.


[Voice] wannabolt October 8 2011, 04:57:41 UTC
Well, yeah, but...

[Dang it, Robin.]

Plants are still different. They don't talk, and they don't have brains. They don't even move.

[Great, now she's thinking about this seriously.]


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