May 03, 2011 00:29
So it's just past midnight on May the 3rd, coming up on about three hours short from my very birthday. Which I wasn't really supposed to be awake all this long either. But since I am I thought I would toss this up as well here. Since it seemed to have reached a little bit of fanfare from both people here and from my sisters at the Retreat.
This birthday I'm not really asking for presents, but setting up a donation button on my journal and a jar at my birthday tea party tonight. The aim is to try and collect enough to buy a lap harp ($30-$40), a lap harp bag ($10), and a few books of music ($20-$30) off of Amazon. Which I thought I might at least put a dent in acquiring some of the pieces if I involved everyone everywhere, for maybe $1-$5, or whatever you feel you like to, instead of having them try to find things for me.
Thus, completely not required by any stretch of the imagination, but if you'd like to take part in The Mad Hatter's Birthday Harp Donation Station:
about me,