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Comments 32

kateliciously October 16 2011, 10:48:54 UTC
Arww... I loved the new TVD and GA ep too. :)
Derek really was soo bitter. :(

I loved april because she is fun and Lexie's new haircut^^

I was thinking the same too. Seriously? You can't get that easily into a school building!!! ^^


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 10:52:42 UTC
Derek really, REALLY needs to GET OVER HIMSELF. Stat!

I love April, too! She's one of my faves.

I'm a HUGE fan of bangs (I have my own set also!), but Lexie's really don't do it for me. They're not definite enough. You can't go half-assed with bangs but that's how I think hers have turned out.

I'm glad it's not just me that was all... WTF? WHERE ARE THE LOCKS? AND THE SECURITY GUARDS?! AND THE ALARMS!!!!?


kateliciously October 16 2011, 11:10:18 UTC
April is awesoooome!!!

... )


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 11:31:25 UTC
She is indeed very awesome!

I could buy Caroline compelling someone (I could NOT buy Alaric, the history teacher, having keys that opened THE WHOLE SCHOOL!), IF they'd actually made mention of that fact. Instead, it simply looked like this was a regular tradition that happened on a yearly basis!!!


brightstarmara October 16 2011, 11:10:34 UTC
I feel cheated about the whole Stefan thing. As much fun as it might be to watch him mess with Bellena and Damon, I still feel cheated.


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 11:29:28 UTC


brightstarmara October 16 2011, 11:43:33 UTC
She is getting worse EVERY EPISODE!


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 22:37:54 UTC
I SO hear you...!


leobrat October 16 2011, 11:12:16 UTC
Overall, the resistance to compulsion is kind of bothering me a lot this year, because we've seen more than one instance where they do the tight shot on the pupil (Bill Forbes and possibly Stefan) where it just hasn't taken. I don't mind being told that there's a loophole to compulsion as far as vervain, but just 'be stronger' is too vague for me. I need stricter rules.

Like, I felt like almost *nobody* has said anything about Tyler. THIS IS A HUGE FUCKING DEAL.

I have a feeling the writers might be about to make Damon into a hypocrite. Do. Not. Want.

About what?


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 11:28:53 UTC
I need stricter rules. Agreed. It's one of my gripes about supernatural shows, that it's so easy for them to ret-con what is no longer convenient. And I really think the whole compulsion thing has been vaguely played and changed and re-written from day one.

THIS IS A HUGE FUCKING DEAL. I KNOW! I mean, there was pretty much no reaction beyond "phew, Tyler is still alive," (and even that was kinda subdued ( ... )


leobrat October 16 2011, 11:30:41 UTC
I'm still confused? Meep! But go pee! And I need to head out now, but we shall continue this later!


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 11:38:32 UTC
Okay! Later alligator!


swirlsofblue October 16 2011, 11:32:18 UTC
I too had my issues with this ep.

The whole drowning thing in general made me roll my eyes like nothing else.This. I got that it was supposed to seem moving and heroic, but for me Matt’s behaviour came off as idiotic and self involved; everyone else has been tortured, killed, been through the dryer and all, and yet it’s all ‘poor Matt’ he has to deal with all this; well so does everyone else, how does he make it all about himself? It wasn't about saving Tyler at all, it was about him wanting to see Vicki ( ... )


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 11:37:34 UTC
NEVER apologise for ramble!

So, you're saying that a 2011 American high school could legitimately be a free nighttime playground for its students? Well, yikes. That sounds like... a MASSIVE lawsuit waiting to happen.

But Klaus also compelled Stefan to feed on Elena and yet, he was able to stake himself to stop from doing that? I dunno... it just feels like the compulsion thing is far too easy.

brilliant concepts, brilliant ideas, brilliant words that they're not brave enough to make the most of? Or take all the way? At least, that's my view.


swirlsofblue October 16 2011, 11:52:20 UTC
Ah, yes, to be fair I'm in England, but still.

Yeah, that compulsion was very blurry, but he did seem to be losing the fight- and hence the trying to broom-stake himself, so the resistance was a few seconds tops. Resisting now would have to be a constant thing. I think what the writer's were going for was Stefan shouldn't be able to resist but he can- like mother pulling a car of her child-esque, it kind of failed though.

Hopefully they will sort out the fuzzy compulsioin at some point. Remember way back when everyone was all this curse of the sun and moon doesn't make any sense, and then we had ta-da it's fake :).


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 22:41:40 UTC
and then we had ta-da it's fake :) Maybe I'm just cynical but I got the feeling that the ta-da it's fake was a MAJOR ret-con once they realised they'd written themselves into a corner with the nonsensical storyline! It's always been one of my gripes about supernatural shows, they can all too easily explain away shitty, backed into a corner writing by going... HAHA! TRICKED YOU! without having to actually give us a logical explanation beyond... MAGIC! (or similar).

I think when something is at the centre of your entire episode (as compulsion was with this one) you really need for it to be an understood concept. Not some wishy washy phenomenon that you change the meaning of every second episode. It completely reduces the impact (for me).


rorylie October 16 2011, 13:21:03 UTC
I basically came away from Grey's thinking Alex is the best human being on the planet and I love him so. And also ZOLA, world's cutest baby never leave again and Lexie was there and I can be annoyed with Arizona even in two minutes of screentime.

Oh and I was initially kind of meh on the casting of Jackson's mother, but I ended up thinking she was perfect once I saw it.

And I still have Mark Sloan, and his tiny clitoris like penis (it's so little you guys, so little).


waltzmatildah October 16 2011, 22:42:52 UTC
Meh, even Alex is boring me to tears lately (and particularly in this episode).

Jackson's mum FTW! She totally saved what would otherwise have been an epically SHITHOUSE episode.


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