tvd: "my head is a jungle, jungle..."

Sep 23, 2011 23:03

Apparently there was a new episode of The Vampire Diaries tonight. Apparently I watched it. Apparently I really, really enjoyed it despite the lack of Katherine AND the lack of Naked!Damon!Covered!In!Bubbles! IMAGINE THAT!

The Hybrid )

character: tvd: jeremy, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, thoughts: i have them, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: matt, character: tvd: klaus, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: bonnie, character: tvd: tyler, character: tvd: caroline

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waltzmatildah September 24 2011, 08:16:31 UTC
Well, I had NO CLUE about the speculation and rumours and it was still SUPER OBVIOUS to me.

And yeah, a cop out is exactly what the hybrid thing is. And I don't think it will be interesting to see what Klaus does when he finds out Elena is still alive because we've already seen it all before. Everyone will attempt to sacrifice themselves for her/everything will become about protecting her/Elena herself will be the stoic "it's all my fault because I'm the doppelganger" martyr and it'll be what we've already had, only jumbled up and recycled into Version 2.0.


catteo September 23 2011, 20:27:08 UTC
I did not see any of it coming. I am clearly a bad fangirl. Although right there with you regarding the hot jail bait of Jeremy. Basically, I agree with everything you say. I, too, was under the impression Elena was going to take a wee dip, but maybe she was just warm from her hike and therefore taking a layer off. Maybe.

Mama Lockwood? So much yes. Although can we keep the whiskey - I suspect she's going to need it on order to keep being awesome.

Damon. Always.


waltzmatildah September 24 2011, 08:17:45 UTC
I think you might be right about Mama Lockwood needing the whiskey! She can keep that bit! Haha!!

As for Elena and her swim, I guess we'll never know, but in my head she was totally planning a quick dip!


catteo September 24 2011, 23:46:01 UTC
I FORGOT to say that I am VERY EXCITED about Big Bang!

And yes, more whiskey for ALL.


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crowandfog September 24 2011, 05:57:39 UTC
Just want to say: That is the most awesome gif spam I've seen anywhere in a LONG time! :D


waltzmatildah September 24 2011, 08:20:16 UTC
Isn't it ever???!!!


waltzmatildah September 24 2011, 08:36:21 UTC
I'm pretty sure this will have to be a weekly occurance up until her rightful and long-awaited return!!

... )


crowandfog September 24 2011, 05:55:59 UTC
Elena has been calling Alaric "Ric" since last season, and I hate it intensely. They have some other characters do it, too, but the only two who have ever sold it for me are Damon and Isobel. Everyone else sounds as if they are trying to force an intimacy that just ISN'T really there. GROSS.

But, yeah, I pretty much agree with everything in this post, except I did like Stefan in this episode.


waltzmatildah September 24 2011, 08:19:50 UTC
Oh, okay. I don't remember noticing it before but yeah, it really doesn't sound natural or comfortable when she says it...

As for Stefan, the fact that he only made the 'things I didn't really care for' section is a vast improvement on last week/end of season 2 (except for the finale). So, another postive rolled into a negative maybe?! Haha!


distant_autumn September 24 2011, 17:26:35 UTC
The lack of Katherine continues to pain me, too. Everything is better with Katherine, even already awesome stuff. Come back soon, bb girl.

It seems like a pretty big cop out that Elena pseudo-dying was enough to turn Klaus into a hybrid but not enough to give him the power to create them.

It could maybe turn out to be a misdirect, though?

Agreed on enjoying the Matt and Jeremy stuff. (And I LOL'd at Jeremy searching the internet again for answers, too. OH JEREMY.)

Elena accusing Damon of being drunk and him being all righteous in his own defense because… HELLO, DAMON! There’s precedence for that! A very memorable one!

Hee, IKR? He was all indignant at the very idea! Even though his blood alcohol level at any given time would make seasoned alcoholics weep.

The implication that Alaric doesn’t see the need to PUT CLOTHES ON BEFORE ANSWERING THE DOOR TO DAMON! Hahaha!I KNOW. He was totally cool with being semi-naked until he discovered it was Elena and suddenly he decided it was inappropriate. But wearing very little in ( ... )


waltzmatildah September 25 2011, 07:23:07 UTC
Everything is better with Katherine, even already awesome stuff. Come back soon, bb girl. AMEN!

It could maybe turn out to be a misdirect, though? Please let it be so...

As for Elena and the swimming, looking back now, I'm sure she was just hot, but at the time I was seriously... WTF ARE YOU DOING, GIRL?! And, let's be honest, her decision making skills do tend to be questionable at best more often than not!


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