tvd: "my head is a jungle, jungle..."

Sep 23, 2011 23:03

Apparently there was a new episode of The Vampire Diaries tonight. Apparently I watched it. Apparently I really, really enjoyed it despite the lack of Katherine AND the lack of Naked!Damon!Covered!In!Bubbles! IMAGINE THAT!

Things I HATED?
No Katherine. Again. Boooo! Though I did not reach the same hysteria levels as last week at her absence (sorry bb!) and I honestly think a large part of that is due to the fact that the storylines kept me compelled (HEE!) so much more readily this week. So, this is actually more like a positive rolled up into a negative and then coated in shredded coconut.

Or something like that.

Elena constantly calling Alaric “Ric.” Is that a new thing? I’ve never noticed it before and it seemed really jarring tonight for some reason.

The soundtrack. For some odd reason I found the music a little distracting tonight. Can’t really put my finger on why though so… ignore me!

The fact that it’s obviously going to be Klaus not killing Elena that means he can’t turn the werewolves. I mean, how have they even made that work? It seems like a pretty big cop out that Elena pseudo-dying was enough to turn Klaus into a hybrid but not enough to give him the power to create them. HOW VERY CONVENIENT. And oh joy, another whole season of “Let’s all protect Elena/It’s all about Elena/Let’s all sacrifice ourselves for Elena/Elena must be a martyr.” I was kinda looking forward to a different storyline to be honest.


Things I LIKED?
Matt and Jeremy bonding over their mutual memory loss.

The lack of Bonnie.

The "Oh, yep! Still hot for some reason..." moment I had when Jeremy first appeared. Like I'd been expecting last week's discovery to have been an abberation of sorts. But, nope! Still inappropriately attracted to the dude half my age. Oh, the woes of a fangirl.

The fact that Damon's hair didn't appear to need it's own postcode this episode!!

Things that made me LOLOL?
“So you’ve heard of me then? Fantastic!”

Elena accusing Damon of being drunk and him being all righteous in his own defense because… HELLO, DAMON! There’s precedence for that! A very memorable one!


The implication that Alaric doesn’t see the need to PUT CLOTHES ON BEFORE ANSWERING THE DOOR TO DAMON! Hahaha!

Elena hiking. I got the impression it's not something Nina has done a great deal of for some reason! There was a moment there when I just though... oh, hun! (I'm willing to be proved wrong if someone out there knows for a fact that Nina is like, an orienteerer or something but yeah... it was just an impression I got!).

Elena's perfect hair after being dumped in the water by Damon. WHO COMES OUT OF THE WATER LOOKING LIKE THAT? ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WITH HAIR AS LONG AS HERS?! NO-ONE, THAT'S WHO! Hahaha!

The Things That MADE ME GO WTF?
Was Elena really stripping off to go for a swim? OH, MY! She has been hanging around Stefan and his Litany of Really Stupid Decisions for far too long!! I mean, I get that she ended up going for a dip that was out of her control, but I initially got the impression that's what she was planning anyhow? Was that just me? Did that not seem UM, WHY, GIRL?! WTF ARE YOU DOING?!

“Daddy!” (Puh-lease.)

The Things That I LOVED?
Carol Lockwood. I have never really thought too much about her character, but I think we learned a fair bit about her tonight. And I though the actress who plays her did an awesome job of the scenes she had with Tyler. I think she plays petrified and horrified mother much better than she plays inappropriate Whiskey drinking socialite. Can we have more of the former, please?

Damon. Everything about him. I could specify which parts (besides well, THE OBVIOUS!) but seeing that I know the people most likely to be reading this will have had (and expressed no doubt!) the same things, I’ll just leave it at. I LOVED DAMON. Because really? Yeah.

The Damon and Elena moments were also made of WIN. But again, preaching to the choir there aren’t I?!

And, in keeping with tradition, I leave you with…

PS. Please to be not leaving spoilers in the comments (if you have any comments that is!). Thanks!!

In other news? BIGBANG IS IN IT'S FINAL STAGES OF PROOF READING! WOOOOT! And my artist is like, a genius. There is also that.

character: tvd: jeremy, character: tvd: damon, character: tvd: katherine, thoughts: i have them, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena, character: tvd: matt, character: tvd: klaus, character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: bonnie, character: tvd: tyler, character: tvd: caroline

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