grey's: "she's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis..."

Sep 23, 2011 23:50

In other news, Grey's Anatomy made its (long-awaited?) return this evening with a double episode of DRAMA and such. Apparently I've watched a lot of television-on-the-internet since I got home from work tonight...!

And we open this brand new season with a scene setting shot that captures the essence of what season eight is-- wait a second. WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE?! Clearly they are going to be Very Important as the minutes tick away but, after scouring the internet for a working link and being repeatedly ripped off by scam ones (including one that was actually some show set in the 1950's that made me wonder if Shonda hadn't spent the summer hiring openended to script the premiere! True story! I mean, I even watched for like, five minutes, until I was sure Cristina Yang was not suddenly going to appear in a playboy bunny outfit!) -- anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. The randoms. Did not really appreciate that Shonda. It reeked of like, CSI. Or NSIC. Or LAPD. Or any number of other acronyms where the opening shot is always of the people who are gonna bite it first. (Which, in hindsight, that couple should totally be grateful that they're still alive).

And speaking of someone who should be grateful to be alive... ALEX! I can't believe Cristina killed him! SHE KILLED HIM!

Also, LOLOLOLOL... because she is now the ONLY ONE of Bailey's infamous interns who hasn't passed over to the other side for a moment. I SO WANTED MERE TO ASK ALEX IF KYLE CHANDLER APPEARED TO HIM! AND DOC! OH, PLEASE LET IT COME OUT THAT ALEX SAW DOC!

Another positive that I sincerely enjoyed from that storyline? CALLIE CUTTING ALEX'S SCRUBS AWAY. Why was that scene so hot? I don't think it was meant to be hot. But she like, did this little cut and then just... RIIIIIP! And then there was Alex!Chest all over the place and... did other stuff happen? I'm pretty sure other stuff happened. It all just got a little hazy there for me for a minute!

/dipping into the shallow pool at inappropriate times (ie. when said character is in cardiac arrest...)

I do love (Heh) the fact that the show FINALLY decided to be accurate with its repercussions for once and they were all dumped on Meredith. I mean, they do the one thing I've been wanting them to do for AGES (insert some actual realism and consequences) but they do it pretty much ALL to the one person who ALWAYS gets dumped on (besides Alex of course!). And while I COMPLETELY agree that the consequences were a representation of what would have happened in real-life, I do not like the fact that they totally pick and choose moments to do this. Just, argh.

LOVED BAILEY'S STEP STOOL THING! LOLOLOL! Also, loved Bailey in general. THAT was the woman we all love. She is the true Gunther.

Mark Sloan. FFS, have a shave. That is all. Oh, no. Wait. Have a shave and grow up. NOW that is all.

Jackson. Thank you for cutting your hair. No seriously, THANK YOU!

Lexie. Now, girl. You know that I'm totally a bangs person. But yours were just not working for me. I think your attempt has been too half-hearted. It's like, half-bangs. Or something. I dunno.

April, I love you, I really do, but... WHY IN GOD'S NAME WAS THE CHIEF SURGICAL RESIDENT RUNNING THE ER DURING A CRISIS (OR EVER?)?. Where the hell was the ER Attending? There are more than just surgeons that work as doctors in hospitals, people! (Refer: occasional use of realism thing as previously mentioned...).

Derek Shepherd. That is the UGLIEST barbecue I've ever seen. And clearly you have your priorities straight and all considering you're busy building the (World's Ugliest) barbecue stone by painstaking stone, while YOUR ACTUAL HOUSE STILL DOES NOT HAVE ACTUAL WALLS. *head-desk* Also, "This is my house." Urgh. Can you BE a bigger douche?

rorylie, HOW WAS OMG!SINKHOLE NEVER ON OUR LIST?! (Though, was that not the fakest bit of editing EVERRRR?) Also, way to completely defy all manner of physics laws with that thing! TERRIBLE!

LOL at Callie... "Now get the brown soap..." Oh, Callie. Even non-medical types have heard of Betadine. And are more likely to know what you're talking about than when you completely make things up like 'brown soap'. I mean, what even IS that?!

Sofia and Zola. I am so not into babies. NOT AT ALL. But they are super cute. Just, please to be keeping their screentime/storylines to a minimum? Please?

Finally, Meredith and Alex. MEREDITH AND ALEX. Seriously. I'm pretty sure Mark could have dropped to his knees and declared his undying Lexie love right before that and I wouldn't have even cared because... MEREDITH AND ALEX AND THEY ARE TOO PERFECT AS SCREWED UP BFFS. (Also, CRISTINA + ALEX AND SHE TOTALLY LOVES HIM TOOOO!).

Cristina, Meredith, Alex and Bailey were my favourite things about this episode. WHICH IS JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT!

Oh, PS. Can Callie (or SOMEONE!) please tear Alex's scrubs off EVERY week? Please? Good. Thank you!

thoughts: incoherent, waltzmatildah: may actually be mad, character: ga: alex, character: ga: cristina, rorylie: deserves a tag, waltzmatildah: is going to hell, character: ga: bailey, character: ga: derek, character: ga: callie, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: mark, thoughts: i have them, character: ga: april, character: ga: jackson, character: ga: meredith, television: grey's anatomy

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