[psa] watch this now | "meet me down by the jetty landing..."

Jan 05, 2014 14:24

Okay, so, I'm usually the first to rain on the parade that is Australian television. Particularly Australian dramas. Typically they're cliched rip-offs and it's hard to figure out in which ways the chronically over-used Aussie actor is trying to differentiate this character from the character they played in the last Aussie drama they 'starred' in. ( Read more... )

television: puberty blues, psa: watch this now, real life: television

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Comments 19

petragem January 5 2014, 19:07:27 UTC
That song IS amazing, YES. Also that show looks like it is exactly in my wheelhouse--will have to go about watching it!

For your meme, tell me about your five favorite live music experiences of 2013, please?


waltzmatildah January 6 2014, 03:41:24 UTC
Here's the full version of that song. GAH!

tell me about your five favorite live music experiences of 2013 Come at me where I ~live, whydoncha?!!!

In other words, HAPPILY!!

ONE | MS MR | Montreal, Canada with catteo
I still remember the moment the email came through announcing their tour dates and figuring out that their visit to Montreal coincided with OUR visit to Montreal! IT WAS MEANT TO BE, I AM SURE OF IT!

... )


petragem January 6 2014, 20:16:39 UTC
That MS MR show sounds AMAZING; it's so great the timing worked out for you guys! And I had not heard of Matt Corby but have since listened to all of those songs and DUDE. LOVE. Seeing him must have been so fantastic! Also hot cider and fire barrels sounds like the loveliest thing right now, and also also: "Brew Am I" by You Am I? That is some fabulous naming, and I'm going to be laughing forever about it!

Plus, I am impressed by your family's ability to win so many tickets! That makes it doubly fun, I'd think!

Okay. I am going to go finish listening to the rest of your top fav recs (Dustin Tebbutt, omg). I hope your 2014 is similarly filled with awesome music!


waltzmatildah January 7 2014, 01:15:51 UTC
Just so we're clear, I can not remember the last time I personally won a single thing. I have vague recollections of winning a frozen chook on a chocolate wheel when I was maybe seven? And that is it ( ... )


searchtheskies January 5 2014, 22:05:41 UTC
Five favorite television episodes of 2013!


waltzmatildah January 6 2014, 04:11:01 UTC

Or maybe not. ONE MOMENT, PLEASE while I spend a minute thinking about what I watched in an attempt to make this not just ALL BREAKING BAD ALL THE TIME!

ONE | Ozymandias | Breaking Bad
This is, perhaps, my most favourite episode of television OF ALL TIME, let alone just of 2013!

... )


searchtheskies January 6 2014, 04:26:54 UTC
Gah this reminds me that I REALLY need to finish Orphan Black! I watched the first two episodes and then got distracted when my sister wanted to watch Breaking Bad!

But yes, Ozymandias is PERFECT and so is Felina.


waltzmatildah January 7 2014, 01:18:03 UTC
Oh, yes! You really do need to finish Orphan Black!! Though I think you still have a fair while before season two starts (unfortunately!!). However, your decision to fore-go OB in favour of Breaking Bad is one I simply CAN NOT fault!!

I approve of your life choices!


horatios January 5 2014, 22:11:54 UTC
DUDE I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A FUN COMEDY THING BECAUSE LIKE, THE TITLE IS FUNNY BUT IT SEEMS SO HARDCORE. Hopefully I will get round to it. I still haven't seen The Newsroom, ughhhh. Time is such a bitch!



waltzmatildah January 6 2014, 10:59:29 UTC
Yeah, naaaah. Not a comedy. It's kinda bleak in that really, hyper-realistic way that life is kinda bleak!! If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say My So-Called Life comes closest from all the shows that I've seen. It's not high drama or magical realism or anything like that. It's more slow burn, want to scratch your own eye-balls out but only because you KNOW WITH INTIMATE FAMILIARITY WHAT IS HAPPENING AND WHY AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT IT FEELS LIKE. I mean, maybe it won't resonate with non-Aussies, because there're definitely aspects that are very Australian, and the language can be hard to keep up with (so I've read on Tumblr). But yeah, I'd say most of it is pretty universal to being a middle class teenage girl/teenager in general.

I hear you on time being a bitch though!!

Also, I see you there, flaunting the 'top five' rules of this meme! BUT ALSO, TOP TEN WALTER WHITE MOMENTS OF 2013. YESSSSS. It's like you KNEW all I needed was an excuse!! Let me put something together and get back to you on that one...!


mammothluv January 6 2014, 14:44:19 UTC
Five favorite relationships between female characters (femslashy, family, friendships, whatever) in 2013!


waltzmatildah January 7 2014, 02:18:19 UTC

ONE | Sue and Debbie | Puberty Blues

They're BFFs, they're teenagers, it's the seventies, it's Australia, they're into surfing and boys and drugs and booze and smoking and sex, and they go to school, and love their parents, and tell lies, and they get scared, and sad, and angry, and confused, and embarrassed, and brave, and they don't understand feminism, and they're victims, and they're awful to each other, and they'd kill for each other, and they'd die for each other, and it's, like, painful to watch because it's LIFE, you know? It's familiar and it resonates through to your bones because YES. That's what it was like. To be a teenage girl.

... )


mammothluv January 10 2014, 03:29:28 UTC
Okay, I love the bejeezus out of your number 1, OBVIOUSLY*, but otherwise I have not watched any of these shows. OH HOW YOU TEMPT ME WITH LADIES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS.

Speaking of, have you given Reign a try at all? Every time I watch it I think it's something you would enjoy! Mostly because it's on CW and has stellar ladies? These are things I associate with you.

*and, dude, I can't find words for how honored I am that you ranked us near Izzie Stevens!


waltzmatildah January 10 2014, 03:38:39 UTC
I reallllly think you would like Puberty Blues BUT... at the same time, I'm unsure how the Aussie-isms would translate? Like, they're so second nature to me that it's not until I think about reccing it to non-Aussies that I have to think about it but... I JUST DON'T KNOW! I read some comments on tumblr from 'international' viewers saying that it's really hard to follow the dialogue due to, not only the accents, but the language used. SO I DUNNO MAN! I think, if anyone could do it, you could do it!

It's awful, but it's beautiful. Which will make no sense unless you watch it!

Also, you equate me with the CW?? I'm not sure what to make of that! Haha! Because I watch all my tv via steams I usually have no clue what network they're from. DO I WATCH A LOT OF CW?? I thought it was only The Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf! Haha... oops. STELLAR LADIES, THOUGH? I will take all of those that I can get ♥ (which is whyyyyy you should watch Puberty Blues *cough cough*).

leobrat has also been extolling the virtues of Reign left, right and centre... And I ( ... )


addikat January 8 2014, 20:29:38 UTC
"All I can really say is WATCH IT!!"

I agree 100%. Do you know when it's starting?


waltzmatildah January 9 2014, 00:51:18 UTC
I don't. The ads that are airing here (variations on the one in my entry) all just say 'coming soon'. I suspect, like most things, it won't be back until the international cricket and tennis frivolities have been and gone so... early Feb?


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