[yuletide] yumadrin | more than just a memory

Jan 02, 2014 18:35

Title | More than Just a Memory
Fandom | Breaking Bad
Characters | Jesse/Jane
Rating | MA
Word Count | 100
Author's Note | Written as a 2013 yuletide (yumadrin) drabble for Senri

A ghost story... )

fic: yuletide, fic: drabble, television: breaking bad, breaking bad: deserves another tag, character: bb: jesse, character: bb: jane

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Comments 1

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waltzmatildah January 2 2014, 08:46:10 UTC
Senri wanted a ghost story where Jane is there but really she isn't and just, HOW PERFECT IS THAT PROMPT?! 100% perfect, that's how...

Thank you so much for reading and commenting ♥


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