[yuletide] yumadrin | more than just a memory

Jan 02, 2014 18:35

Title | More than Just a Memory
Fandom | Breaking Bad
Characters | Jesse/Jane
Rating | MA
Word Count | 100
Author's Note | Written as a 2013 yuletide (yumadrin) drabble for Senri

She hooks her fingers through his belt loops; keeps him tethered lightly to the slow-spinning Earth as a cloudless horizon wanders past in his peripheral vision.

Her skin is forever cold against his now. Her breath, sweet on the back of his neck as she laughs and sighs and sings along to the songs that play on the reel inside his head.

Out of tune and perfectly pitched all at once.

But when she rolls over in her sleep the mattress doesn’t so much as shift, and his hand, trembling, outstretched, slips straight through the cage of her bare-boned ribs.

fic: yuletide, fic: drabble, television: breaking bad, breaking bad: deserves another tag, character: bb: jesse, character: bb: jane

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