[yuletide] yumadrin | Hit the Ground Running

Jan 02, 2014 19:56

Title | Hit the Ground Running
Fandom | The Killing
Characters | Bullet (Rachel Olmstead)
Rating | PG
Word Count | 100
Author's Note | Written as a 2013 yuletide (yumadrin) drabble for bitchygrrl

She sneaks out into the night. The clouds from earlier in the afternoon have blown away with the biting wind and, above her, almost but not quite drowned out by the promise of the big city, a blanket of stars sets the sky alight.

She looks back as a lamp in the living room is switched off, dropping her house into liquid darkness.

Eyes shut, she spins again; opens them to streetlights and slow moving traffic. If she squints she can pretend the Space Needle comes just a little more into focus, its imposing allure, more than she can resist.

fic: yuletide, character: tk: bullet, fic: drabble, television: the killing

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