DEPLOYMENT 9: You've Been ... Thunderstruck

Nov 29, 2011 19:09

[PHONE (Morning, OPEN TO ALL)]

Yo, Mayfield. I got a heads up, 'cause I know'ere's a bunch'a people in'is town who ain't from Earth-'least, ain't from it beyond'a Fifties. Or are, uh, "sheltered." That whole thing with Mayfield gettin' cratered, an' everybody gettin' sick? That was global nuclear war in action. That's what'a Mayor was beggin'a other ( Read more... )

^nena trinity, i can't believe it's not force lightning, ^calleo a. crowe, ^red mage statscowski, ^alfred f. jones, !regains, ^wes janson, @mayfield, *1765 beaver street, *847 goldberg street, ^virginia maxwell, *action, ^garviel loken, uuuuuunliiimiteeeed poowwwwaaaaaaaahh~!, ^theo crawford, ^golbez (harvey), *makeout point, fashionably late regain

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Comments 208

[phone] stoppedhiding November 30 2011, 01:17:34 UTC
Thank you for the explanation.

Nothing from my world can compare to that level of destruction.


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 01:24:48 UTC
No problem, man. I figure'at's'a case for a lotta people out here. I live with'a kid who ain't even seen cars before he came here, which says a lot about'a tech level of'a world he's from.

[As for Virginia's world, well. he's not so sure.]


stoppedhiding November 30 2011, 03:04:49 UTC
I'm in the same boat, when it comes to that at least. [ Cars, telephones, radios, guns... ] Tell me, is there anyplace in this city one can read up on this world's technological advances?


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 05:42:58 UTC
Well-maybe'a town library. I ain't checked it out myself, but if'a town's anything like libraries from my home it oughta have books an' magazines on contemporary technology.

Failin'at, you could try talkin' to'is guy I met, Quinn Hatch. He's from'a world like mine, an' he's good with all sorts'a high tech. He might be able to give you some hands-on experience. Lives over at 339 Brady Lane.


[Phone] undying_heroism November 30 2011, 01:25:04 UTC
[There was silence for awhile on the other line.

But finally, there was a small chuckle. The kind people always used in tandem with a slow shake of the head.]


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 01:28:16 UTC
[Balin pauses. It takes him a second to place voice behind the laugh as Alfred's.]

Hey, 'least it never happened for you an' me, right? Where we're from anyway.


undying_heroism November 30 2011, 01:38:50 UTC
Yeah, true. And to be able to experience it was. . .educational? [snick]


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 01:42:54 UTC
[There's a little uncomfortable pause before Balin speaks again. He's not sure how Alfred's taking hearing a recap of the Cold War like that, especially after enduring it.]

Well ... you know what'is means, right? About'a guys holdin' us here.


[ACTION - C (Makeout Point, Afternoon/Evening, OPEN TO ALL)] lunawolves10th November 30 2011, 01:26:22 UTC
[ An armored giant on an equally immense combat bike rolls up makeout point, ignoring the road and just basically driving up there without any care for the terrain. INcluding trees. He's looking for the source of the thunder. ]


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 01:39:38 UTC
[To Garviel's right, a lighting bolt lances out from behind a few trees, striking one about thirty meters ahead of him and absolutely frying the crap out of it. It looks and sounds a little like this, only not as loud.]


[That sounds like Balin's voice-and indeed, he pops out from behind those trees where the lightning originated.]

-Shit, sorry about'at!


lunawolves10th November 30 2011, 02:31:02 UTC
... That is an interesting weapon.


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 02:40:21 UTC
[Balin shakes out one of his hands. There's a few sparks coming from it as he does.]

Heh-basic Logos Ability. Just got it back today, but I'm outta practice.

[It's been almost half a year since the town kidnapped him, after all. Meanwhile, he's looking at Garviel's bike. Balin is visibly impressed.]

Speakin'a interestin' weapons, that's'a badass bike you got'ere.


b rapier_ex November 30 2011, 03:28:40 UTC
-He'll find Virginia coming down the stairs once he's on his way inside and the door's shut. In all honesty, she looks like hell. Dying is something you never get used to...-


walking_nuke November 30 2011, 06:16:21 UTC
Yo, Virginia.

[He's seen that look all too often back on Foreas and Arieki. They'd actually given it a name, "Post-Death Nervousness Disorder."]

Sorry I couldn't do more for ya back'en.

[That's all he can find to say, as he doesn't want to ask a stupid question like "Are you alright?" ... That, and even if death is not permanent within Mayfield, he still regrets losing comrades just as many other soldiers would.]


rapier_ex December 1 2011, 01:42:56 UTC
-She didn't say a word. She just walked over to him, her eyes turned down, and simply... leaned against him. She was tired. Still tired no matter how much she slept. It was all starting to get to her.-


walking_nuke December 1 2011, 11:36:18 UTC
[Not knowing what else to do, Balin hugs Virginia. Somewhat awkwardly, since he's not entirely sure it's what Virginia wants-but it's the only thing that comes to mind that he can do for her.]


C sanctusdei November 30 2011, 04:01:34 UTC
[Theo indeed dares to investigate. That's an unusual kind of magic to be sensing, and he wants to check it out. Balin might here someone approaching. He's not trying to be sneaky.]


walking_nuke December 1 2011, 00:53:15 UTC
[Theo will be able to spot Balin hanging out in a clearing; what's spiking his magical senses is definitely coming from here. It looks like a number of trees have been scorched by lightning at this point, although there's a bucket of water and a household fire extinguisher within Balin's reach. Safety first, after all!]

[Balin doesn't hear Theo's approach, though-while Theo is heading for the clearing, Balin's winding up another Lightning strike. Drawing a hand back as if to throw a pitch, Balin manifests his Tabula-just doing that is going to spike Theo's magical sense, and the Tabula's holographic window-like appearance ought to be visible from where he's approaching. A single Logos Element is flickering within the Tabula:]

... )


sanctusdei December 1 2011, 21:12:53 UTC
[Now he'll speak up, lighting a cigarette as he approaches.]

Nice work.


walking_nuke December 1 2011, 21:24:22 UTC

[Balin's head snaps to face Theo's direction, sort of like how a hawk might do so. Though there's no real killing intent or anything-he's just a little caught off guard at the realization that he's had a spectator.]

Oh, hey. Haven't seen you around-

[And that's when it hits him that he's never asked for this guy's name.]

-Heh, you know, out of'a past times we talked I don't think I ever made your acquaintance.


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