DEPLOYMENT 9: You've Been ... Thunderstruck

Nov 29, 2011 19:09

[PHONE (Morning, OPEN TO ALL)]

Yo, Mayfield. I got a heads up, 'cause I know'ere's a bunch'a people in'is town who ain't from Earth-'least, ain't from it beyond'a Fifties. Or are, uh, "sheltered." That whole thing with Mayfield gettin' cratered, an' everybody gettin' sick? That was global nuclear war in action. That's what'a Mayor was beggin'a other guy not to drop on us. So here's a lil' history lesson. Or future lesson for some of you, I dunno. Depends on when Mayfield took you.

But I think you all oughta know, 'cause'ere's no tellin' if'ey'll do it again.

For about forty, fifty years, there was a point where'is shit was close to happenin' for most of us from Earth, right on'a tails of World War II. Two sides had thousands'a nuclear weapons pointed at each other, targeting every city an' military base of note. On one side was'a United States an'a North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an' on'a other was'a USSR an'a Warsaw Pact. You know, the Commies this town loves harpin' on so much.

We called it'a Cold War 'cause it never went "hot." If it did, well. Then it'd've been named World War III and it'd look a lot like what we just went through for'a past few days. But it didn't. We came damn close a few times, though. The whole thing keepin' it from becomin' a war was "mutually assured destruction;" both sides had enough nukes'at if either one made a move, everybody dies. You ain't gonna be eager to wipe out'a other side if you're gonna get ashed at'a same time. Nuclear deterrence, it's'a biggest fuckin' "Mexican Standoff" ever.

[Balin scoffs slightly. before continuing.]

You guys felt it on'a last day, right? Headaches, fever, gettin' dizzy, throwin' up, losin' hair an' bleedin' out-that's radiation sickness. The gift'at keeps on' givin'. Nukes, they put out a lot of different kinds'a radiation an' energy, not just heat an' light. Winds up makin' a lot of dust an' debris radioactive, an'at dust gets into everything when it comes back down to earth. That's why we call it "fallout."

Just by eyeballin' it I can't say how much radiation we got exposed to, but it couldn't have been more'n eight Grays. Beyond'at, death is certain no matter what treatment you get, an'a symptoms woulda started like within minutes of us wakin' up. Them scavengers woulda been dead long before'ey got to city limits, an' so would we.

... But yeah. Judgin' from what happened on'a first day, I think Mayfield got hit by a nuke first, before we woke up. Anybody notice parts of town where it looked like people's shadows got burned into'a pavement? That only happens at ground zero, where'a temperatures're hot enough to vape flesh an' bone. So'at mushroom cloud we saw in'a distance-are'ere any towns'at Mayfield's supposedly nearby?

[ACTION - A (1765 Beaver Street, Late Morning)]

[Well, now that the aftermath of Thanksgiving has come and gone, Balin's had enough of waiting and sitting around on his hands. Having to endure the hell Mayfield's captors put the townsfolk through just because everyone didn't grovel hard enough to their liking has flipped a switch.]

[Rather than going to work today, he's taking the day off to go check up on Red Mage and Touko. He needs to find out if they've still got the explosive supplies on hand, and more importantly-he needs to talk to Red Mage about synthesizing the few chemicals they couldn't find ready-made within the town itself.]

[ACTION - B (847 Goldberg Street, Afternoon)]

[Later, Balin returns home to find that the Postman's dropped off another reward for enduring Mayfield's shenanigans. This time, however, when he pulls out the envelope addressed to him, he doesn't open it. Instead, he stares at it, frowning.]

... Here we go again, huh?

[Balin should be happy that the Postman's sent him a present for surviving the apocalypse (or at least that's what the timing makes it seem like), but after experiencing his last regain and finding out that the mass hallucinations and the zombie pandemic were also the Postman's doing, he's a lot less eager.]

[Balin turns around to walk back up to the house ...]

[ACTION - C (Makeout Point, Afternoon/Evening, OPEN TO ALL)]

[Hey, Mayfield, it's a nice day, isn't it? Thunderstorms can be pretty relaxing, at least if you're used to the milder varieties-]

[... Wait a minute. There's not a cloud in the sky today!]

[Every so often, the sound of thunder emanates from Makeout Point. If you pay attention you might even see a bolt of lightning flash between the trees up there. Anyone who has the ability to sense magical/psychic/spiritual energy will be able to feel bursts of it right before every thunderclap (depending on how far away they are).]

[Do you dare investigate, Mayfield?]

[NOTE: This is a belated regain from the October event, but Balin now has one of his combat Logos Abilities-Lightning. His Regains List has been updated with relevant information on what exactly his Lightning can do in its various forms, if you're curious.]

^nena trinity, i can't believe it's not force lightning, ^calleo a. crowe, ^red mage statscowski, ^alfred f. jones, !regains, ^wes janson, @mayfield, *1765 beaver street, *847 goldberg street, ^virginia maxwell, *action, ^garviel loken, uuuuuunliiimiteeeed poowwwwaaaaaaaahh~!, ^theo crawford, ^golbez (harvey), *makeout point, fashionably late regain

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