DEPLOYMENT 10: Row, Row, Who Cut Da Powah?!

Dec 16, 2011 22:07

[ACTION - A (Outside 847 Goldberg Street, Afternoon)]

[Well, this past week has been rather annoying. Balin's done what he can to help insulate the house, what with the lack of power and all. He's also been going on supply runs, trying to find whatever might still be available at the General Store and other places Downtown. Which hasn't been much.]

[There's also been the fickleness affecting his Tabula. Ever since that damned news broadcast, he's been having trouble getting it to manifest, which is a problem ... considering that leaves him incapable of using his newly-regained Lightning or performing any "cantrips." It's just been another thing to grumble about-and it's full well taught him something he already suspected from hearing about the "spring culling" incident. It is not a good idea to rely on what Mayfield gives back.]

[So imagine his surprise when he walks outside early in the morning, all bundled up, to find that there's a package in the mail, addressed to him. Unlike the past two regains he's received, which were pictures in envelopes ... this one is roughly the size of a shoebox.]

... Huh!

[He picks it up-and finds it's heavy. Frowning, he shakes it for a moment ... and feeling the weight of what's inside, recognizes immediately what this could be! Screw being careful with regains-nothing's happened to him the last few times, and he knows for sure opening this box won't harm him like getting his Tabula did. He tears open one end of the box to retreive what's inside, only to reach in and find-nothing.]

-What the shit-?

[In disbelief, Balin holds up the package and peers inside the opened end. There's nothing in here! At least as far as he can see ... and the box feels a lot lighter than it did just earlier.]

Oh come on, don't go screwin' with me like'is-

[And that's when a big, heavy, standard-issue AFS handgun suddenly materializes and falls out of the box, the barrel of the gun smacking Balin across an eye!]


[Balin stumbles back, dropping the box (and a second item that was inside, a picture of something else) as his newly-acquired handgun clatters on the ground, while he a hand up to his face swearing in angrish.]

[Postman: 2, Balin: 0.]

[ACTION - B (John Doe Park, Evening)]

[Having gotten over the town finding another way to make him hurt for getting something back, Balin's spending some time at the park, to see who else is camping out around the tree. He's got a bruise mark over his left eye, consist with the size and shape of the handgun that's currently in a thigh holster strapped to a leg. Other than that, though, he spends a lot of time glowering at the tree and musing to himself.]

There's no way'is tree's gotta account for all'a weird shit goin' on.

[Well, loud enough for others to hear at least.]

*847 goldberg street, ^alfred f. jones, the incredible vanishing regain, *action, ^event: looking a lot like christmas, pistol whip in a box!, !regains, *john doe park, !event, fashionably late regain, @mayfield, ^tsunade senju

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