DEPLOYMENT 4: We Built This City on Blood and Gore

Aug 07, 2011 20:39

[ACTION - A (Outside Mayfield Dairy, OPEN TO ALL)]

[On his first day in Mayfield, Caesar had asked Balin if he had any explosives or powers strong enough to destroy an armored building, referring to the attack made on the Dairy back in March. So today, while Mayfield is temporarily without a police chief, Balin is outside the Mayfield Dairy.]

[He ( Read more... )

*jacques' roller rink, ^shana, ^merem solomon, *mayfield dairy, ^susan sto helit, *action, ^the major, ^theo crawford, nuking your asses later, *mayfield high, @mayfield, ^event: wanted, taking your names now

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Comments 187

C wise_king August 8 2011, 02:02:42 UTC
You seem to be enjoy looking at that. Is there something wrong with it?


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:06:42 UTC
[Balin turns to look over at Merem. He doesn't recognize him at all, despite Garviel's warning from a few weeks ago.]

"Enjoy" ain't the right word for what I'm feelin'. Indignation's more like it.


wise_king August 8 2011, 02:08:53 UTC
[He sidles his way up to Balin, his small stature not quite withstanding.]

Why are you indignant?


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:14:57 UTC
[... Huh. Does this kid know what the trophies are for?]

Were you around for'is "spring culling" bullshit'a town pulled?

[Balin's tone suggests that his reason for being indignant should be obvious ... meanwhile, he glances back up at another trophy, writing down the name engraved on it.]


B deaths_heritor August 8 2011, 02:07:08 UTC
[Susan has been here long enough to know who belongs in the school and who doesn't, somewhat courtesy of her unique talents. Now, in the middle of summer vacation? No one does, really. Not even her. But the high school English teacher had needed to retrieve a few books for some students who hadn't been able to get ahold of the summer reading.]

School is out of session for the summer. If you've been assigned to be an instructor next year, come back in September.


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:11:57 UTC
[Balin looks up from some of the supply cabinets.]

Oh, I ain't assigned here; I work over at'a construction yard. [He jerks his head in its general direction.]

I was lookin' for one of'a teachers to talk to, actually-[Stupid question time!]-you ain't droned, right?


deaths_heritor August 8 2011, 02:17:07 UTC
[Susan's eyes flick upward a bit.]

Certainly, black hooded cloaks are standard attire for the average female drone. Of course I'm not.

Did you want to tell me why you're sticking your head in the flammables cabinet?


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:24:07 UTC
[Balin shrugs off the sarcasm. It was better to be sure! He does come from the "nuke the site from orbit" school of thought after all.]

Yeah, I was wonderin' if it'd be possible for me to get some lab time here, when school ain't in session. I haven't seen any major industry here in Mayfield, an' I've got some chemistry projects I wanna work on.


A sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 02:10:04 UTC
[The Major had really, for once, just been going about his day when he spots the man snooping around the Dairy. While the Major was, by this point, fairly certain the Dairy was unassailable unless the town decided to make it so, those who showed initiative in their actions were always more interesting and worth talking to.

And so, the Major will be heading towards Balin.]

Mmm. Quite impressive, isn't it? No obvious enforcement, but barely a scratch might be laid upon it from most of the weaponry I've seen presented here!


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:19:12 UTC
[Huh. Who's this guy? Balin glances at the Major, then back up at the Dairy.]

Yeah. Impressive.

[That comment about the Dairy's ability to shrug off "most of the weaponry" employed by the town's "citizens" doesn't sound promising-but hey, maybe this guy might be able to tell him what has been used ... Wait, it's that voice!]

Hey-were you'a guy that was on'a phone talkin' about Grady a week back?


sturmbahnfurher August 8 2011, 02:25:46 UTC
[He nods slightly, grin growing a little bit.]

Indeed I am! I believe you were the gentleman asking me about the situation in town. Quite new, are you not?


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:31:03 UTC
Yeah. Those "anti-commie procedures" that'a town took last month? I woke up like'a day just before all'at happened.

[He looks back up at the Dairy again.]

That attack you mentioned back in March-you were involved in that, yeah? What kinda weapons did work on'a buildin'?


A sanctusdei August 8 2011, 02:25:46 UTC
[Just happens to pass by when he sees Balin taking a look.]

You're wasting your time if you think you can get in here.


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:33:33 UTC
[Balin looks back over at Theo.]

Well, yeah, I ain't gettin' in'ere with my bare hands. I'm tryin'a figure out what kinda armor they've built into'is place.

[Which isn't really bearing any fruit, at least so far.]


sanctusdei August 8 2011, 02:42:55 UTC
Hnn. It's probably not physically armored. Magically, almost definitely. But not in any way I can tell.


walking_nuke August 8 2011, 02:53:33 UTC
[Balin makes a face at that.]

If it's somethin' magic then'a only option I'd have'a knock it down is pure brute force, I guess.

[Say, maybe Theo was directly involved in that assault. Wouldn't hurt to ask!]

Say, you wouldn't happened to've been involved in'a attack on this place back in March, wouldja?


[ACTION - A (Outside Mayfield Dairy, OPEN TO ALL)] flameyedhunter August 23 2011, 23:33:43 UTC
I snuck in there once.


walking_nuke August 23 2011, 23:42:05 UTC
[Huh. That voice is familiar-]

[Balin turns around and, sure enough, that's the same girl from a week or two ago who was keeping pace on the rooftops during his morning run.]

You did? Was it durin'a assault back in March?


flameyedhunter August 23 2011, 23:53:32 UTC
That's right! Yuki helped me find my way into there, we found the big tank with some rather nasty surprises inside. [ She scowls a little. ]



walking_nuke August 23 2011, 23:56:28 UTC
A tank? [He glances back to the Dairy for a second.]

As in'a armored combat vehicle?


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