DEPLOYMENT 4: We Built This City on Blood and Gore

Aug 07, 2011 20:39

[ACTION - A (Outside Mayfield Dairy, OPEN TO ALL)]

[On his first day in Mayfield, Caesar had asked Balin if he had any explosives or powers strong enough to destroy an armored building, referring to the attack made on the Dairy back in March. So today, while Mayfield is temporarily without a police chief, Balin is outside the Mayfield Dairy.]

[He's walking around the premises and intently inspecting the building; looking for any signs of structural weakness, peering into any windows to see if he can peek inside, even knocking on any of the non-brick surfaces to see if he can feel for some kind of armored plating that might be within.]

[ACTION - B (Mayfield High, OPEN TO ALL)]

[After school lets out, Balin will be checking out the high school; specifically the science classes, and especially the chemistry labs. He's looking for someone among the undroned faculty to talk to, but he's not above checking out just what the chemistry labs have in terms of equipment and supplies.]

[ACTION - C (Jacques' Roller Rink, OPEN TO ALL)]

[Later, Balin finds and checks out the skating rink. Yuri Volte Hyuga had told him that this is where Mayfield recorded the names of people who participated in the "spring culling." And sure enough, upon entering the rink's trophy room, there it was; trophies everywhere, proudly displaying the names of various people as "Accomplished Murderers."]

[Caesar's words come floating back to him: They turned the entire town into its own little war zone. And he wasn't kidding. There's dozens of individual trophies here.]

[Balin glowers. Then he pulls out his journal and starts writing down names.]

[Beware, citizens of Mayfield-You're On Notice.]

[NOTE: Balin is now aware of who killed people during the Population Control event in late May/early June, and he's recorded the names of those people (and how many they killed) to his journal. His list is here, specifically. If Balin knows who you are, expect him to be very suspicious around you; he will not feel safe around you without a firearm. He will definitely be trying to figure out how to kill you if the need arises.]

*jacques' roller rink, ^shana, ^merem solomon, *mayfield dairy, ^susan sto helit, *action, ^the major, ^theo crawford, nuking your asses later, *mayfield high, @mayfield, ^event: wanted, taking your names now

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