No More Secrets (1/1)

Nov 16, 2009 17:58

Title: No More Secrets
Author: wakingnitemarex
Pairing: Matt Giraud/OMC
Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge this is FALSE. And I pray that it remains false.
Prompt: #10: Secret
Rating: R
Word Count: 427
Warnings: Sexual abuse of a minor/non-con -- mostly off-page.
Author’s Notes: For the ai_darkfic ficathon.

Matt shivers as his instructor slides closer to him on the bench; this is the part of his lessons that he hates most. His fingers continue to dance over the piano keys as he tries to ignore the lips against his neck. He hangs his head in shame, missing a few notes when the older man’s hand moves to his crotch. He whimpers, tensing slightly, and his instructor softly shushes him as he undoes the zipper of Matt’s jeans.

“Keep going,” he urges softly, nodding towards the keys, “You’re supposed to be learning to play through distractions.”

The teen swallows hard and starts playing again, wishing he could just get lost in the music instead of having to think about everything that’s about to happen. He hates himself for letting it happen time and time again, for being too weak to share his darkest secret with someone - anyone - who could help him. He was only a kid when this all began; a scared, innocent child who didn’t know that he had a choice.

He bites down on his bottom lip and shuts his eyes against his tears, continuing to play as he feels his instructor’s hand slip inside of his boxers to start stroking him. He doesn’t want to keep the secret anymore but the damage has already been done; he sees no point in coming forward.

It’s not until he’s leaving that he finally catches the point. His lesson had run long, the next student is already waiting in the lobby by the time he collects himself and leaves the room. His heart drops at the sight of the little girl - she can’t be much older than 7 or 8 - crying and pleading with her parents, begging them not to make her go to her lesson. A sad, knowing smile graces his lips as he politely tells them family that their instructor had asked him to tell the family he wasn’t feeling well and needed to cancel his evening classes. He’s terrified of being caught in his lie but it’s worth it to see the relief in the girl’s eyes as her parents lead her back out to the parking lot, sighing in annoyance at the cancellation.

He doesn’t go directly home that night, like he normally would. Instead, he stops at the local police station, hesitating on the steps for a long moment before setting his jaw in determination and going inside.

Maybe it’s too late for him, but he can’t bear the thought of there being more victims in the future.

No more secrets.

ai_df ficathon, tv show: american idol season 8, fanfic, pairing: matty/omc, singer: matt giraud

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