Title: Fight
wakingnitemarexPairing: Bradam
Disclaimer: CLEARLY not real, and better never become real :[ Not for profit, don’t own the boys.
Prompt: #16: Fight
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Drug use, character death
Author’s Notes: For the
ai_darkfic ficathon.
”Fight it.”
His voice cuts through the fog in your brain as sharply as the razor had cut through the lines of coke you’d taken not long ago. Part of you wants to obey, but the silent darkness that’s been creeping in around you is so soothing, so welcoming.
“Bradley,” he begs, tearing at your heart with every syllable, “Fight it. Don’t leave me.”
It’s too late though. It’s been in your system for too long now, you can’t fight it.
I’m sorry Adam.
You don’t have the chance to hope you managed to verbalize the apology.